Of course, the crucial requirement for any good satire is that it must, whether knowingly or unknowingly, include an element of truth...

The fascinating thing about BINGOs (Big International Non Governmental Organisations) is that, with a little research, you discover that all of them stink. Which I suppose is obvious really. Otherwise they wouldn't be permitted to exist.
Now what do those five rings represent again? Oh yes, the seven continents...
* = sort of
Conspiraloon alert!! The respectable news source Jurist has just turned into a Conspiraloon? They've published this ridiculous conspiracy theory story about the CIA setting up secret prisons in Poland. Can we all do a BBC journalist patronising sneer at 10:38 pm this evening and perhaps it will make it go away. Oh, and they've planted another lying load of crap about a trial of 26 CIA agents starting in their absence. I think that the internet should be shut down on the strength of these two stories alone.
Come on!
26 agents!?
The possibility of any conspiracy involving that many people simply defies belief
Look, Stef, for fuck's sake, get it right will you.
There is absolutely no such thing as a conspiracy, especially not any sort of conspiracy that suggests or implies the involvement of the Secret Intelligence Services, the CIA, MI6, MI5, Special Branch, the State, Corporations, or anyone else who operates covertly and is publicly accountable to no-one.
The only people that are capable of conspiracy are simple, working class types who, as a cursory glance at ongoing court cases will demonstrate, are all up before the beak and being charged with things like 'conspiracy to injure', 'conspiracy to possess and sell drugs', 'conspiracy to commit reckless endangerment', 'conspiracy to murder', 'conspiracy to commit unlawful restraint', 'conspiracy to commit arson', 'conspiracy to defraud', and various other conspiracies which, if you're part of a small group of ruling elites, cannot and do not apply to you.
At least, not yet....
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