This nonsense can only get stupider and stupider...
Stef's Blog - a native London Southlander and unrepentant 'Conspiraloon™' who doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. Sometimes I take pictures. I also enjoy swearing immensely and think much faster than I can type, so each post comes guaranteed to include at last one confusing typo. OK?
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon Laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
"the diary begin to make sense" No.
So this is what passes for a trial in your country these days? And will the judges start to shout?
(And I am off to the next airport to blow up an airliner with fluorided water and a chewing gum containing aspartame...)
I am currently working quite hard on making this not my country - I've had enough and I want out
One of the big problems with the British, like the Americans, is that they think the kind of shit that is happening under their noses in their own country only happens in other countries. Big mistake
I'm afraid, these things happen in every country, only the "intensity" varies.
Stumbled upon the intro of this film, have to watch it again...
...a good movie and one that featured one of Robert DeNiro's finest on-screen performances, that was until this came along
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