The BBC, especially Newsnight, is keeping up the pressure in what increasingly seems to be a co-ordinated campaign to widen the public perception of who could be subject to current and future anti-terror legislation.
Last night Newsnight aired another 'unnamed sources' spoon fed piece, this time on bedroom-based Jihadist 'Terrorist 007'. Lord Patel has shared his observations on last night's bollocks-fest here and the clip in question is currently available on Gootube until someone in authority notices and wangs my account...
and here's the previous night's Newsnight scoop on the announcement of 'Al Qaeda UK'...
To call this material propagandist arse would be an insult to propaganda, and arses
edit: and now for the money shot
edit#2: and for those innocent in the Ways of the World who do not know what a Money Shot is - Lord Patel provides a reliable and accurate explanation here
Even by the BBC's standards that 'report' was shite beyond belief.
Newsnight is an absolute farce and they don't care who thinks it anymore. The BBC is lodged up firmly up the establishment's arse and they intend to stay there.
"The BBC is lodged up firmly up the establishment's arse and they intend to stay there."
Which seems entirely reasonable, because they are evidently extremely comfortable in that position... and can mingle freely with their pals on "Today", "PM" , "World at One".
Of course, it was just an accident Ms Smith happened to wear a red jacket in front of her blue and white backdrop.
It's only subliminal if you don't notice it.
The US/'FBI consultant' Islamic terror expert~ Evan Kohlmann from the Newsnight video #1, also lent his weight to the War of Terruh by commenting on the MSK video, Evan Kohlmann’s own website, globalterroralert.com, hosts a collection of terrorist recruitment videos which are offered to the media for broadcast.
Indeed, as someone commented in the above article "“If you are FBI and CIA consultant Evan Kohlmann, it’s OK to do these things, but woe betide you if you happen to be a young Muslim male.”"
Kohlmann was also involved in the prosecution case of Mohammed Atif Siddique in Scotland & he also knows a lot about al Americani Adam Yahiye Gadahn
I wonder what else New Lab think we shouldn't see?
The US/'FBI consultant' Islamic terror expert~ Evan Kohlmann from the Newsnight video #1, also lent his weight to the War of Terruh by commenting on the MSK video, Evan Kohlmann’s own website, globalterroralert.com, hosts a collection of terrorist recruitment videos which are offered to the media for broadcast.
I've just spent a quarter of an hour trying to read up on Evan Kohlmann's bio and haven't been able to find out much about his background at all - though judging by the company he keeps - Steven Emerson, Marin Peretz, Daniel Pipes - it's not too difficult to guess where he's coming from
That the BBC allows people to repeat the kind of spout Kohlmann and his pals come out with, time and time again, is fucking shameful, though sadly totally predictable
he's also a stalwart of loveable psychotic rogues 'family security matters', who have earned their place in the conspiraloon hall of fame
Experts in Terror
Mr. Kohlmann serves as an approved expert witness on behalf of federal prosecutors in various terrorism matters, including most recently in United States v. Masoud Khan et al;
Khan was convicted of "conspiracy to levy war against the United States " ie the feds gave him and his pals free paintball tickets (with bonus lifetime accomodation offer).
Young evan's academic credentials might be a little suspect:
Then he directed Kohlmann back to his credentials – his B.A. was in a specialized Foreign Service program. He had no master’s degree or PhD; he had never been published in a peer review publication by a college or U.S. university. The primary sources of his research had been two Muslims in the U.K. – Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza Al-Misri – and Royer in the U.S.....It was clear here that Kohlmann was not answering the questions directly and instead giving long statement after long statement that was off of the mark. The judge warned Kohlmann to shorten his answers and stick to the point
ie typical expert cunt
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