Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Time for some more Jarvis methinks

First, this video popped up on You Tube a few months ago...

and now there's this ...

Sheer bloody genius

Hmmm, with your crazy pop videos you are really spoiling us Mr Jarvis

and whilst I'm pasting up You Tube links...

Ben takes a photo of himself every day

Frog Juice Lady in Peru - Unfortunately, the frog in a blender meme turns out not to be an urban myth after all

The Final Scene from The Third Man - still IMHO arguably the best B&W movie of all time, and certainly the best B&W movie with a zither-based soundtrack of all time, in spite of some stiff competition...

Everyone loves a happy ending


edit: lurking in the post above I've included a link to the Italian version of the kitsch classic 'Ambassador, with these Ferrero Rocher you are really spoiling us' advert.

I've included the Italian version rather than the English one because die-hard Ferrero fans will note that in the Italian version the bloke who has a mini-orgasm whilst eating his chocolate says 'Excellent!', whereas in the English version he says 'Eccellente!', which makes for a nice change.


Underneath the You Tube clip somebody, somebody who I suspect comes from the North of England, has left one of the most erudite and perceptive artistic critiques I think I have ever read...

"ferrero roshay adverts ar so funny how they tri to make out that there supper posh but there shite"

William Shakespeare eat your heart out

Alas poor Yorick! ferrero roshay adverts ar so funny how they tri to make out there supper posh but there shite ...Horatio

Babelfish had real trouble translating that comment, complete with humorous spelling mistakes, into Italian...

"ar roshay degli annunci di ferrero così divertente come tri rendere fuori quel là supper posh ma là shite"

French ...

"ar roshay d'annonces de ferrero si drôle comment ils tri rendre dehors ce là dîner snob mais là shite"

and German...

"ferrero roshay Adverts ar so lustig, wie man sie Tri heraus dieses dort Abendessen posh aber dort shite bildet"

I am that glad that I never had to learn English as a foreign language


Shablagoo! said...

The grey haired 'excellent' bloke was one of the chief Wehrmacht baddies in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Stef said...

Now that I didn't know