The really interesting thing about Saddam Hussein’s trial and execution is the fact than anyone with an IQ greater than a five year old’s, whether they were for the invasion of Iraq or not, must realise, maybe only subconsciously, what a farce this has all been.
Everything about the process – from the selection of the charges, the restrictions placed on the court, through to the ‘quickie' execution between Christmas and the New Year - was blatantly contrived to prevent any details of the US and UK’s complicity in Hussein’s crimes hitting the mainstream.
Those people with a bitterly cynical view of the state of politics and the media in the US and UK will be taking this shameless farce in their stride. They might even find the irony of subjecting a former dictator to a show trial and videotaped execution to be darkly comic. Those people who still harbour some residual Faith in our establishment are going to have a really hard fucking time kidding themselves, yet again, that their trust is warranted.
Expect to see politicians and media pundits playing a fun new holiday parlour game that involves trying to talk about Hussein’s execution non-stop for two minutes without accidentally using any of the following key words or phrases…
- Fair trial (unless you're George Bush)
- Halabja
- VX Gas
- Iran-Iraq War
- Matrix Churchill
- The Scott Inquiry
- Donald Rumsfeld...
Bad way to start 2007, certainly.
The creation of a temporary autonomous zone (pirate enclave) from the former Iraq appears to have been hugely successful. Consider, for instance this news report: So oil smuggling is rampant: an estimated 15 million litres of oil are spirited away every month. “Basra is now the most corrupt city in Iraq. Everyone has been accused of smuggling: the Iranian-funded Shia militias, criminal syndicates, the mayor, the Baghdad Oil ministry.” But not the British or Americans??? Trees/wood, wood/trees?
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