Thursday, March 01, 2007


"BBC News - Bringing you the news as it happens, when it happens ... sometimes even before it happens"

I suppose those of us who have derived so much pleasure from this story really should get round to asking themselves who started it, and why, at some point.

It seems like it's all a bit too much for the poor old Beeb and the flow of readers' comments on its response page seems to have been choked off for the time being.

Maybe somebody should make a fair and balanced documentary,
voiced-over by some patronising bint, on the subject of BBC News reporters who pass off speculation and unverified rumour - buildings falling down before they do, WMDs in Iraq, IEDs from Iran, stories from unnamed 'security sources' etc etc - as fact...

The c^nters




And whilst not directly relevant to the WTC7 Mystic Meg cock-up it's always worth reading the bio of former BBC Governor and former Chair of the BBC World Service 'Consultative Group' Dame Pauline Neville-Jones if you're ever infected with the mental virus of thinking the BBC is somehow independent - oh, pardon me, that would be me propagating a conspiracy theory wouldn't it



Tony said...

"We're not part of a conspiracy."

Instant classic.

ziz said...

"BBC News - Bringing you the news as it happens, when it happens ... sometimes even before it happens"

I love it.

...unless of course the Attorney General and PC Plod decide to stop them.

Rumours abound of a diminutive figure dressed in ablack burkha pacing the El Al VIP departure lounge at Heathrow ... you wouldn't perchancer have any pictures of that ?