Meanwhile, over at The Pirate Bay...

Yo ho ho...
Stef's Blog - a native London Southlander and unrepentant 'Conspiraloon™' who doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. Sometimes I take pictures. I also enjoy swearing immensely and think much faster than I can type, so each post comes guaranteed to include at last one confusing typo. OK?
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon Laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
It's a catchy Wee Tune.
Inspired me to download a few things, thatz for certain.
Meanwhile the guy with the flute is creepiness personified.
It's on a par with the Gov's anti-aids campaign of the 80s which had the majority of my peers soaking the sausage anywhere and everywhere.
HAHA that is awesome!
I'm Knock-off Nigel!
Frankly, I'm so ashamed and chastened after seeing that Knock off Nigel advert I'm never going to download an illegal film or album again.
my favourite campaign was the one a few years ago that warned 'pirate dvd sales fund the illegal drugs trade and they're sometimes really bad quality as well'
my first thought was 'doesn't the illegal drugs trade fund the illegal drugs trade?'
my second was 'so, if the pirates tighten up their QC is does that mean knock-off DVDs are OK?'
When Mr Pickwick leaves for Bath after losing the case of Pickwick v Bardell he visits the apothecary who has taken over the business from a German Herr Nockemorf.
Slghtly different Knocking off.
We are all Knock Off Nigel now.
We are all Knock Off Nigel, now.
Is that really Karawhatever?
Does not look like him.
Saw the Beeb thing about the identity theft of that old farmer.
Just waiting for the next script.
A Euro ID would have ensured his discovery earlier.
'Every Cloud has a .....'
Did not look like him.
Certainly, the demeanour was not in keeping.
No, fefffing way, surely?
Hey, when you greedy fucks make this stuff easily available online, at reasonable prices and without all that drm bullshit, maybe I'll feel a little sympathy. Until then, nobody is going to take your so-called 'piracy' problem seriously, save the politicians you've bought. What a joke; die already!!! (but not too quietly, I'm rather enjoying this)
Is that really Karawhatever?
I'm not sure. He's wearing a beard
f*** 'em
What do you do when you go through a process of price discovery and price discrimination and discover that the price of your product to a large section of your market is ZERO?
Try and propagandize the market such that the people who pay ZERO for your product are alienated and ridiculed. Says a lot about what you really think of your customers.
From Craig Murray, "... fuck the politenesses of politics".
From Craig Murray, "... fuck the politenesses of politics".
for a while just before he stood down - Blair and a few other Labour cabinet warmongers took to using a cracking example of PR sophistry along the lines of...
'I understand that many people are opposed to the war in Iraq as a matter or principle and they have a perfect right to hold their beliefs. Just as those of us who saw the necessity for war should be respected for holding equally principled views'
As it happens, personally I'm all for people holding and expressing their views, however different they are to my own - better out than in as my dear old, Mussolini-worshiping nan used to say
There is, however, a slight difference between a good spirited debate in a pub and lying through your fucking teeth in order to promote the slaughter of thousands
"By command of His Most Merciful Excellency...your lives are to be spared. Slaves you were...and slaves you remain. But the terrible penalty of crucifixion...has been set aside...on the single condition that you identify the body...or the living person of the slave called Knock-Off Nigel..."
Oh Jesus, I actually auditioned for that advert! Sang that song to camera in the hope of pennies! Hey diddly-dee...
I think they might have just slandered just about everyone in South-East Asia there...
"It's for student project"
Seriously, these stereotypes are only funny because they're true.
My brother bought a copy of Finding Nemo 2 out of a plastic carrier bag a couple of years ago
When the pirates start knocking off movies that haven't even been made yet you know they've got the upper hand
The copy of I Am Legend I saw in China had the cast list and credits for Oceans Twelve on the back. It looked legit otherwise. Someone must have actually made it in photoshop. Why, having copied the DVD, they don't just photocopy the sleeve as well is beyond me. Maybe it's a loophole.
I wonder how many of these supposed counterfeits are made by the film industry itself. The reason for doing so would serve two purposes: i) crap quality would act as a deterrence; and, ii) they would still get some money for the product.
Thanks to recent price rises, knock off passports are now becoming cost competitive with the real thing - faster turnaround too
Since most movies these days appear to be extended adverts for mobile phones, cars and youtube or google, I don't know why they need to sell them at all.
The song on this is dead catchy. Where can I torrent it?
Knock off Nije US style:
Warning: viewers are advised to have a reinforced puke bad at the ready
as well as a reinforced puke baG
and if anyone would like their own personalised copy of 'Don't Copy That Floppy' I'll be more than happy to run off a few CDs
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