Britain should not fear asking for IMF cash
Britain should not be afraid or ashamed of taking money from the International Monetary Fund, a senior Cabinet minister has told the Daily Telegraph.
The previous Labour Government's bail-out by the IMF in 1976 was seen as a national humiliation and helped sweep the party from power for 18 years.
A senior Cabinet minister said, however, that the new fund would not be like the 1970s version and should not be seen as such. He said there would be nothing wrong if America or Britain used the facility.
He said: "Previously a country would only go if they were in a very bad state. It was a bit like going to accident and emergency to get urgent help.
Hmmm, now let me guess, which senior British Cabinet Minister could that possibly be?
The time to start stocking up on sacks of dogfood and matches is close at hand...
And from the Asia Times Online we have,
"In effect, the only tangible result of the G-20 meeting - the tripling of IMF resources - is astounding. The same people who drove the Latin American economy into dust and were responsible for widespread poverty in Asia in the aftermath of the Asian crisis; the very people who encouraged the idiotic accumulation of market-return independent foreign exchange reserves by Asian countries that subsequently caused the asset bubbles of the US and Europe; the very people who had no clue about the impending bubble burst up until the beginning of 2008, are now supposed to gather up the foresight and skills required to end an economic crisis whose only recent historic parallel was the 1929 depression in the United States; an event that took place a good 16 years before the IMF was itself created.
Reading that bit of the statement, I was reminded about a different bit of history from the same Britain, and pretty much from the opposite end of London. This event took place on September 30, 1938; the BBC reported then as follows:
The British prime minister has been hailed as bringing "peace to Europe" after signing a non-aggression pact with Germany. PM Neville Chamberlain arrived back in the UK today, holding an agreement signed by Adolf Hitler which stated the German leader's desire never to go to war with Britain again. The two men met at the Munich conference between Britain, Germany, Italy and France yesterday, convened to decide the future of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. Mr Chamberlain declared the accord with the Germans signalled "peace for our time", after he had read it to a jubilant crowd gathered at Heston airport in west London. The German leader stated in the agreement: "We are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe."
I have the dread feeling that the G-20 declaration from April 2, 2009, will achieve similar notoriety in years to come."
spa? More like a fucking acid bath
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I really should delete that Japanese porn spam but a part of me is saying 'no'
Didn't you call porn "disgusting" on this blog a few times, Stef?
there's porn and there's porn
AFAIC watching scenes of degradation, suffering or death for pleasure, whether sex is involved or not, is pornographic
I was probably referring to the death porn on which so much of hollywood and the computer games industry is based
or the freak porn which litters our television schedules - 'the world's fattest cojoined twins', that sort of thing
as for sex porn, I never got past my adolescent fascination with naked ladies, so I never moved up to wanting to see naked ladies being degraded with various props or by rugby teams - and my guess is that any man who enjoys watching that kind of material doesn't like women very much
When I said porn, I meant either naked ladies posing, or having sex in front of a camera...
I approve of naked ladies immensely
and I'm not trying to be pretentious with that last link
the first time I saw that picture in the flesh I was absolutely gobsmacked
Not bad.
Having been largely sexualised by furtive investigation of freemans catalogues, I can only lament the disenchantment with the glorious reality of female mystery and diversity
Home Office's new 'sex scandal' after hackers link website to Japanese pornography ... The cyber-intruder managed to hijack a link which had been placed on the Home Office's website to an information page run by the Government's Technical Advisory Board, to provide information about the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism.
I'm betting that hacker has at least mild sympathy towards our cause, if not agreement.
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