"Police have been ordered to release footage of the 7/7 bombers following a freedom of information request by the Press Association.
The request for seven pieces of footage to be released has been ongoing for three years.
The images show the terrorists chatting, putting on rucksacks and buying snacks on their way to blow up trains on the London Underground.
The suicide bombings on 7 July 2005 killed 52 people in London.
The explosions caused by Mohammad Sidique Khan, Jermaine Lindsay, Shehzad Tanweer and Hasib Hussain also left hundreds injured..."
This could be interesting
And an Establishment Gold Star for the State Broadcasting Company for including the mandatory, cut and paste, 'The suicide bombings on 7 July 2005 killed 52 people in London' line, as if anyone has forgotten.
And another a Gold Star to the the SBC for being able to unequivocally identify the perpetrators of 7/7 without the need for any trial or investigation into the atrocity
Presumably the Beeb's taking the Met and Home Office's word for what happened
After all, it's not as if anyone in the Met or Home Office has been caught out lying about any murders recently
See also (thanks to gyges)...
Lets skip the chat and go straight to the in-car explosion footage.
Oh all those cameras "malfunctioned"? Due to the inablility of real world cameras to record fiction perhaps?
well quite
I do find the BBC's constant repetition of the mantra...
"The suicide bombings on 7 July 2005 killed 52 people in London"
...quite intriguing
It's not as if the state journowhores are under instruction to recap every historical event they refer to in their propaganda
So why this one?
Carefully selected or edited footage, if it does get released.
Very interesting article from the Mindhacks link. On that page, there is a link to a research paper Familiarity breeds distortion: The effects of media exposure on false reports concerning media coverage of the terrorist attacks in London on 7 July 2005.
It´d be worth the 23 euros just to see how the UK experiment participants were selected, but I doubt they´d go into it that much...
I have encountered a fair few people and some journalists who believe that they have already seen cctv footage of the alleged bombers on 7/7
a perfectly understandable false memory given that propaganda outlets such as the State Broadcasting Company have misdirected viewers by broadcasting video taken before 7/7 overlaid with a spoken commentary which refers to 7/7
... there really are some evil bastards at the heart of our media who are consciously, not accidentally, making a living by covering up for slaughter and absolute evil by lying through their fucking teeth
Yep, the Cutñpaste mantra...
"The suicide bombings on 7 July 2005 killed 52 people in London" seems mandatory for most journos
Question to all:
In the interests of tackling non-falsifiability, what would this footage have to show you to convince you that events of 7/7 were, pretty much, as narrative?
The footage won't convince anyone if it can't even be shown in court. Maybe it would give some pointers as to the culprits.
I doubt that it would be very conclusive though
Otherwise it would almost certainly suffer from a technical hitch along the lines of...
- The CCTV on the No.30 bus in tavistock square
- The video camera outside JCdM's flat
- The CCTV at Stockwell station
- The speed cameras in the Diana Spencer autocide tunnel
- The CCTV cameras around the Pentagon on 9/11
- The CCTV in the airports the 9/11 jets took off from
etc etc
Stef's All-Time Favourite Top Seven Suspiciously Conveniently Missing Video Tape events - Feb 2007
The Moon Landing stuff's #1, obviously
Did you notice in that article that yet again the BBC label a CCTV image from a different event to give the impression it's from 7/7?
Their journalists can't be that lazy to keep doing this time and time again can they?
I can´t find any info regarding this news item on the Press Association´s website or on the Press Gazzette website - how strange since shurely a successful´´ FOI request would be newsworthy.
Searching on the (Orwellian) "Information Commissioner" does bring up this FOI Decision of 9th March 2009 which decrees that an appeal regarding a simple FOI request submitted on July 18 2005 requesting:
Information concerning the identification of Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shezad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Jermaine Lindsay as among the dead of the London bombings of July 7 2005,
has now (nearly 4 years later) still not been allowed.
Hola Sespaña
A good find and a very interesting request:
Reference: FS50097905
"Please would you let me know in writing if you hold information of the
following description:
Information concerning the identification of Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shezad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Jermaine Lindsay as among the dead of the London bombings of July 7 2005, including any documents from the Identification Commission. If you do hold such information I wish to have:
A copy of the information
An opportunity to inspect the record
A summary of the information’.
From #28 in the document ^, the refusal to publish the information requested is because....
"disclosure of the information would ultimately undermine the authorities’ ability to deal with potential attacks in the future, something which is clearly not in the public interest
Why would it not be in the public interest to provide the actual proof of identities, upon which the whole 7/7 story is built upon?
It is wrangling like that which makes me doubtful of the official story.
That isnt acceptable evidence for me to claim a measly £100 a week in state benefits so why is it acceptable for an event that killed people and is the apparent reason for so much police state bullshit?
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