If you want to know what's really going on in Georgia why not check out Pravda.ru

"The international community collectively held their breath waiting for the reaction of Russia after the savage, brutal, criminal attack by Georgia on South Ossetia. After having offered a cease fire in hostilities, the back stabbing Georgians immediately violated the cease fire, invading South Ossetia and causing massive destruction and death among innocent civilians, among peacekeepers and also destroying a hospital.
At approximately 11:30 p.m. Moscow time Georgians opened fire with heavy artillery from the side of the Georgian villages of Ergneti and Nikozi against the city of Tskhinval, the Defense Ministry of South Ossetia announced on Thursday. Georgian troops attempted to storm the city much as Hitler‘s Panzer divisions blazed through Europe. Also noteworthy is the fact that Georgian tanks and infantry were being aided by Israeli advisors, a true indicator that this conflict was instigated by outside forces."

"Ask anyone* in the Caucasus region, and they will tell you never to trust a Georgian because they would shake your hand with a smile and then stab you in the back. On Friday morning, we saw a perfect example of this treachery, when hours after declaring a ceasefire, Georgian military units launched a savage attack on the civilians of South Ossetia"
* = excludes Georgians

Hehe, isn't this biased OtT propaganda shit funny when other countries' newspapers try it on

and once you've had your fill of the True™ story of the Ossetian situation why not check out Pravda's fascinating selection of lifestyle articles on such diverse topics as cryptozoology, Jupiter-influenced global cooling and that age-old question 'Can Herbivorous and Carnivorous Humans ever understand each other's eating habits?'

Well, for all their foibles, Pravda raises no questions about the honesty of Herbivorous Humans - unless they're back-stabbing Georgian Herbivorous Humans, obviously
Poland had the same prejudice about Georgians, and the guys were often used as strong arm (as were the Ukranians) because they put the shits into many of the locals.
( PS If Dawkins were Georgian, you would not be so quick to dismiss him. Hehehehehe)
As it happens, the only Georgians I've had the pleasure of dealing with were most definitely criminals, and quite scary ones at that, but I have no reason to believe that they were representative of their countryfolk
And as for Dawkins, he's definitely more Victorian than Georgian
my favourite bit from Dawkins show last night was where he spoke in a low, reverential whisper in front of a manky old monkey skull in a museum before knocking people for going to church
the funniest part being that the humourless twot is almost certainly incapable of seeing any irony in that at all
Anyone else trying to get into CiF finding it 'on a loop' with no entry?
Nuthin wrong wif Pravda mate!
anyway I go on holiday for a few weeks(no internet)and come back to find Russia are being called all the cunts because they attacked Georgia.
any good links for the background info on this?
the previous post was very informative.
I think the problem with the kiddies at Pravda is that, by force of habit, they can't help themselves even when there's no need to, um, enhance a story
anyway I go on holiday for a few weeks(no internet)and come back to find Russia are being called all the cunts because they attacked Georgia.
any good links for the background info on this?
the previous post was very informative.
Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Georgians came and their president declared that his Central Asian republic was part of the EU and then NATO decided that the North Atlantic reached as far as Central Asia and then the Russians got very, very angry...
Lord Patel has been busy and can fill in the gaps or points to someone who can
Watching the television, I think its nice of the Georgians to write all their protest banners in english. Stop Russia! Georgia soldiers you are our heroes!
V Strange
I do love a nicely organised and TV-friendly expression of spontaneous grassroots support
The Russians are by no means good guys. Putin certainly isnt pro-freedom, and was involved in at least 2 false flag incidents, as well as general suppression of the population.
However, the Rothschild oligarchs were kicked out of there and as a result it is relatively independent of the "elite" structure, especially financially. This just couldn't do, Russia has to be prodded into wars and made to get back in debt...various provocations have been used including the attempt to set up NATO missile systems in Poland\Czech Republic, CIA\MI6-backed Islamists in Chechnya etc.
Feel free to look this up. Hell, radical Islamists did not exist before 1979 - they certainly didn't come into being in Afghanistan\Iran without intelligence agency involvement. (see Operation Cyclone)
Frankly, I find that all very hard to believe
OK, I couldn't resist saying that
Ok, whats your real opinion then stef? :p
not too different to yours
Did you see the news about "inflation at 4.4%" on the BBC? Might be worth commenting on.
My first thought on seeing the news was that it's about time the government gave higher weighting to house price inflation in its official statistics
In our rather Jaded media-savvy age its good to see such un-reconstructed opinion pieces such as :
Bush: Why don’t you shut up?
The Western media really don’t get Eastern Europe. If Putin was some kind of pussycat like the president of Denmark he'd be erased by the end of the week. Its not until you've lived in a dangerous, lawless mafia-run shit-hole that you realise the advantages of authoritarianism.
There is a certain raw directness about that piece which I do find appealing
Lord P. has spotted a couple of useful summary links on the fighting in Ossetia here and here
From the same people who brought you "Bush: Why don’t you shut up?"...
Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? (Or incompetent? Or just plain evil?)
...Are you hysterical or what? Having a difficult menopause? How many times do we have to tell you, Russia calls the shots these days. So keep your hysterical whining to yourself and stop reiterating the same thing time and time again. Russia will withdraw from Georgia when it sees fit."
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