Monday, August 04, 2008

It's Jigaboo Time pt 15,123


Merkin said...

worse and worse

ziz said...

Must apologise, I read the Daily Wail and either failing eyesight or weakening of the hippocampus but misread "British Museum fanatics".

I tell you they are everywhere. I bought a 10 Kg bag of rice from a Taliban fighter only last week.

My barber is in the PPK.

Even the Queen is German.

Anonymous said...

What a piece of BUUUUULSHIT. If MI5 wants to monitor mobile phone calls, they simply ask the carrier. No, on second thought, they simply monitor through "lawful" interception - no need to tell the carrier.

And I have problems connecting to my wi-fi from across the street. And they want to do it from where? From a frigging aeroplane? From 12,000ft? Once again, if they want to monitor my internet (or my skype calls for that), they simply do it. No need for this fixed wing madness.

(Captcha: hzamaqlt, looks like HAZMAT to me)