Quite a few people seem to be getting hot under the collar about yesterday’s announcement of tax rises on alcohol and tobacco.
Naturally, as a Fully Paid-Up Conspiraloon, I firmly believe that this is all part of the plan – with people distracted by and talking about the prospect of 4p on a pint of beer whilst, meanwhile, the entire country is teetering on the brink of an economic precipice

and, anyway, once people have thought the latest tax rises through they’ll start to realise that things aren't quite as bad as they first seem…
- even with the tax rises, beer and fags prices are still rising at a slower rate than the cost of transportation, heating and food
- given that government inflation figures are bent and hugely understated, the promise that tax rates on beer and fags will rise by only 2% above the official rate of inflation over the next four years is effectively a promise that the tax rise will actually be significantly less than the true rate of inflation
- illegal drugs continue to be exempt from direct taxation and are, especially hard drugs, becoming an ever-more affordable alternative/ supplement to alco-pops
so, looking on the bright side, whilst beer and fags are, admittedly, on the pricey side they still remain a relatively affordable alternative to eating, keeping warm or living a largely despair-free life; plus there’s always the option of getting off your face on some lovely, lovely cheap smack instead
edit: Handy, cut out and keep guide to cocaine and heroin UK street prices 1997-2007 as quoted in Hansard...

of course, if you were to adjust for inflation, the 2007 prices would be something like £20-25 in 1997 money - representing a real slap in the face for anyone who claims that NATO interventions in places like Kosovo and Afghanistan are fucked-up, pointless failures
and, for the really curious, here's a BBC published menu of fare...

a few things worth noting...
- whilst we in the South continue to pay more for our houses, top hats, cigars and fizzy, weak beer than our friends in the North, our drugs are often more keenly priced
- a tab of ecstasy costs about the same as a bottle of alcopop in a club but contains a lot less artificial colouring and sweetener and is therefore possibly less neurologically harmful as well as being cost-effective
- people who live in Birmingham don't need to take LSD
You make a good point about illegal drugs. Smoking a couple of spliffs before going out boozing certainly cuts down on alcohol intake, or so I'm told. And it's so much cheaper, or so I was told a few years ago.
Anyone know what the prices are for an 1/8 of an ounce of Lebanese black, nowadays?
that's a trick question.
not if I stick to House of Commons and BBC published data
You have to sell drugs metrically now, remember the Methamphetamine Martyrs?
The price of the synthetics (amphetamine and ecstacy) are of interest to conspiraloons. You see, if you do a cost analysis of their manufacture: it is so obvious that these are not made in back street laboratories.
"Anyone know what the prices are for an 1/8 of an ounce of Lebanese black, nowadays?"
You want that in or ready to go ?
Salt n sauce?
Finest Lebanese (Greenish) Black
A copper from Dorsets thrown himself off a ferry..whats with all the suicidal cops recently? 3 in a week?
A copper from Dorsets thrown himself off a ferry..whats with all the suicidal cops recently? 3 in a week?
coincidence or house-clearing, who can say
I happened upon this unsubstatiated snippet on my travels
and, of course, it's not just policemen is it
make that four
I'd been involved in the weed trade for over ten years but this last year it has dried up to the point where I barely see it on a weekly basis but any night of the week cocaine is available in infinate quantities.
I'd guess that's because weed is classed under 'Our' drugs and coke under 'Their' drugs
Chris Rock getting it halfway right here...
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