There's been a little discussion over at the Conspiraloon Alliance blog about the latest 'Dirty Bomb' bollocks that has been fed to and faithfully regurgitated by the mainstream media

Nuclear 'Dirty Bombs' are, of course...
a) less lethal than bombs made out of the equivalent weight of regular explosive...
"Because a terrorist dirty bomb is unlikely to cause many deaths, many do not consider this to be a weapon of mass destruction. Its purpose would presumably be to create psychological, not physical, harm through ignorance, mass panic, and terror. For this reason dirty bombs are sometimes called "weapons of mass disruption". Additionally, containment and decontamination of thousands of panic-stricken victims, as well as decontamination of the affected area might require considerable time and expense, rendering affected areas partly unusable and causing economic damage."
(especially if people have been scared shitless of the things by a steady preparatory diet of terrorist fear-mongering from government, terror 'consultants' and the media beforehand)
'Dirty Bombs' are also...
b) non existent
Not that non-existence is considered a reasonable defence by the Crown Prosecution Service when deciding whether a case should go to trial or not - as demonstrated by the Red Mercury 'Dirty Bomb' trial a year or so ago
Inspired by tales of (
- Kryptonite
- Dilithium Crystals
- Soylent Green
- Unobtainium
- Fubarite
- Flubber
- Oxy-Gum...
Oxy-Gum was the substance that enabled one of my childhood heroes, Marine Boy, to breathe underwater and use his propeller boots and sonic boomerang (also on Al Qaeda's probable wish list) to maintain peace and security in the Earth's oceans
and imagine my delight when, on searching through Youtube for Marine Boy clips, I discovered a classic episode of Marine Boy entitled 'The Nuclear Pirates' dated c.1967 which dealt with the very subject of piracy of radioactive materials on the high seas and the sophisticated anti-terrorism tactics employed by Marine Boy in thwarting bearded (naturally) nuclear pirates...
Synchronicity is a very wonderful thing
Thought the tune behind this link may amuse, http://www.backingblair.co.uk/london_underground/.
Soma Rules.
Be very, very, very careful what you say about beards.
Having listened to anons ditty re the Underground and considering the pack shot I wasn't referring to the bearded oyster either.
Soma Rules
Which one? This One? Or maybe this one?
I used to like that song a lot and still do, but not so much
The reasons being that...
a) it's written and performed by a couple of doctors and I'm waiting for the sequel which moans about GP's being paid £100,000+ to write prescriptions that turn a tidy profit for the big pharma outfits which pay for their golfing holidays
b) our fucked up and eye-wateringly expensive Tube system has got less to do with its drivers earning 'thirty k' and more to do with the kind of PFI kleptomania which enriches the kind of faceless bastards soft lefties rarely write witty songs about
Yet another depressing example of talented people producing something amusing which directs attention in the wrong direction and totally serves the non-existent bastards we all serve whether we like it or not
... I still laugh when I listen to it though
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