Saturday, November 22, 2008
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Stef's Blog - a native London Southlander and unrepentant 'Conspiraloon™' who doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. Sometimes I take pictures. I also enjoy swearing immensely and think much faster than I can type, so each post comes guaranteed to include at last one confusing typo. OK?
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon Laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
Room for a few million more?
Mark my words, the government is going to rue its lack of investment in outdoor municipal seating.
Sell Gold, Buy White Lightning!
Buckfast was very popular as was Eldorado sherry when I was but a lad,,,but if you really wanted to get shitfaced you would take an empty lemonade bottle down to the local shop the guy would take it round the back and fill it up for you,for a quid,,to this day I don´t what was in it but it sure got you wasted and cheaply too!after a bottle of Donaldsons cheap wine you were ready to take on the world the who fuckin world and every one was a mate.
I was always a big Thunderbird
fan as a kid.
It was FAB
Many, many moons ago my local off licence used to sell an especially nasty sherry, on draft out of a large plastic barrel
Old dears used to come in with empty glass bottles and buy it in half pint measures. As I recall, in a cunning play on the word Amontillado, it was sold under the well respected Armadillo brand
'Collapse Gap' fans will doubtlessly be aware that undiluted liquid brain death is still on sale on Russian street corners, using a similar 'Bring your empties - Buy on draft' model to this very day
I never got to see from what vessel Mr Donaldson used to fill up our lemonade bottles from,,,I just remember it didn´t taste to great but once you were half way down the bottle you were past caring,,,I´ve even got a black and white picture somewhere of our gang and in the photo I´ve got a grip of the precious elixir!
But better than that,,A certain member of our family was a Cooper to trade and like all other Coopers used to siphon off the barrels when they came in for repair which they would then either drink or sell to close associates,,,this was seriously strong Whiskey.4 Quid a bottle it used to go at,,,no one I knew ever managed to finish a bottle of that stuff.Fire water.
A slug from the bottle and it would spread out around your mouth and burn a trial of fire down to the gut to be followed almost immediately with an instant hit of inebriation!Heaven!Nirvana!Oblivion all in that order.
Hmmm, Cask strength, my favourite...
Having spent the past few days inhaling it, I can confirm thst lecol 5500 is the champagne of solvent abuse.
About the same fucking price as well.
Yep Cask strength!!he used to pour the stuff through coffee filter papers to get rid of the charcoal but often there would still be bits of charcoal floating around in there and a cloudy nature to the stuff which added a certain exoticness to the bottle,,,one had to be very careful as it was the stuff of blackouts,,,I remember me and my mate decided to purchase a bottle we handed over our 4 quid and off we went for a "walk",,anyway we lived out on the land in a sweet little place called Denny,,we were in fine fettle all of a sudden the heavens opened and the Gods sent forth thunderbolts we made a dash for it and made it to Denovan church and somehow ended up in the boiler room of the church whilst the thunderstorm raged outside,,we didn´t give a flying fuck about nuttin by this time,,and then a very strange thing happened.I woke up in bed and it was the next fuckin day!I awoke to my mate throwing small stones at my bedroom window!He had spent the night in the police cells covered in mud.The cops had found him lying face down in a muddy field near the church alerted by a concerned passer bye who thought he was dead!
yes Cask Strength folks!
it certainly renders all users recession-proof
One more tale,
Denny(Scotland) was the place I grew up.We moved there in the early 70s as part of the Glasgow overspill and turned what used to be a quaint little village into the mess it is today.
When we first arrived in the early 70s the coal mine had just shut down,Denny was a thriving little industrial town however.
It had 5 Iron Foundry's,2 Paper Mills,,,Inveresk had been making paper for nearly 100 years there.
and had 1 Brickworks and its own Cinema and even a train station and line running to Falkirk.
All gone now.
The Town center is an absolute fuckin disgrace,,there were plans to rebuild it but they have been scrapped due to yes you guessed no fuckin cash!
So from a thriving industrial town with full employment you have a souless fucked up eyesore,,,I´ve no idea what people do for work there now.
repeat a couple of thousand times across the length and breadth of This Land and you've got yourself a vibrant service-based 21st century economy uniquely placed to weather the coming storm
Because they're completely fucked already.
I went to see Chubby Brown at the weekend. As soon as he came on stage I started shouting, "You fat bastard! You fat bastard!"
Then I was told by security that that sort of behaviour wasn't tolerated at the Labour party conference.
speak of The Devil
I'm more of a Colt 45 man myself.
and none of that unpleasant Budweiser aftertaste
That's my dad on the right! He filled the bottle in one go see, hence the snap for posterity. The bottle then gets sold to those less fortunate than we. And then we can buy more Thunderbird. Red or Blue, both do the job. Onward!
And then we can buy more Thunderbird. Red or Blue, both do the job
ah, a fellow connoisseur
I could n´t let this thread close without mentioning Carlsberg Special Brew.The great leg opener beer the (bad grammar)then choice of the sophisticated gal.Very strong and the most disgusting shit your ever likely to taste.I think there are canned beers now at over 8°-9°proof.
Two Carlsbergs and a couple of shots of Cask strength and the day was yours.
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