"In the 'Weblog Awards Best Science Blog Contest' a psuedoscience web site denying the effect humans have on global warming is currently in the lead over real science blogs. Apparently conservative political sites have been directing their readers to vote for it, whether they read it or not."
And Cognitive Daily’s suggested response to allegations of on-line ballot stuffing?
"I would like to ask you do one thing for us in the name of promoting good science on the internet. Vote for Bad Astronomy in the Weblog Awards Best Science Blog Contest. You can vote as often as once a day, and I encourage you to take advantage of that option."
Oh the fucking irony
Naturally, I felt compelled to visit the ‘pseudoscience’ site in question and was rewarded straight away with an amusing little piece about Al Gore and his breezy, Devil may care attitude to graphs...

Even though I’m currently extremely sceptical about the current case being made for Anthropogenic Global Warming and detect the barely disguised stench of a controlling, elitist global agenda behind that case, I’m personally open to hearing what sincere, decent people who buy into AGW have to say.
Trying to make the debate a Left vs. Right issue, insulting people who hold honest and well-founded reservations about AGW, or circulating half-arsed propaganda in our schools in an attempt to terrify and condition our children doesn’t qualify.
And on a slightly related subject, whilst I’ve been off-line a post I made on the Conspiraloon™ Alliance blog on the subject of fruity symbolism plastered all over our money generated a comment thread which ranged far and wide over the subjects of political and religious belief systems, culminating in one commentator posting a few images taken from Madonna’s performance of Ray of Light at the 7/7/7 Live Earth Concert…
Trying to remember where it all began
She's got herself a little piece of heaven
Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one
She's got herself a little piece of heaven
Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one
So, who are the nutters then? The people who make, broadcast and consume this stuff or the admittedly much smaller number of people who think material like this is just a teensy wee bit fucked up and fascist and question where it is all going?
Dear Stef. Glad your back online & love the new fish :D
AGW may be a hoax (Actually I find it credible that man is having an impact, but I believe the variable output sun and earths magnetism is probably the greatest factors).
But the repercussions could be so severe (and it's the poor that'll hurt most) can we take that chance? Perhaps we can relax a bit more when we get more definitive data. But if we are to try and do something about it, it needs to be the rich that get off their arse and do something THEMSELVES. But I suspect you and most of us who come to your uplifting blog would foresee, is that the squeeze is going to be put on the middle and lower (economic) classes which have to adjust their lives the most, in order to maintain the privilege of the elite.
If that's the case then the poor and middle classes are far better off saying "screw you elite, were doomed either way, least this way we can teach you a much needed lesson - HA HA!!, so let the planet roast"
Now I'd buy that for a (worthless) dollar.
Now that you've inverted the graph to make the vertical axis correct, I'll offer an extra observation...
Their arse is now where their mouth was, and consequently, they are now talking out of where their arse used to be.
(Actually the scale was an and the way it was discussed corrected the error. Still, very sloppy of them, but the main problem seems to be the actual implication of the graph and it's pure association with AGW)
Song lyrics : Kabbalah influenced sentiments.
Choreography: Triumph of the Will
regarding today's fire in London:
would it be conspiraloonery™ to suggest that a huge 911esque fire in London in a "bus depot" the day after remembrance day would be a super way to underline anti war sentiment and get everyone back into the war of terror mood ?
in a word...
100 valuable loyalty points have just been added to your Conspiraloon™ Club Clard
see also - 'East London brought to a standstill by deadly radioactive 4 inch wide watch dial...'
it's good to be scared
thanks for the points, now i can get the personal Faraday cage as well as the Chembuster set
So, who are the nutters then? The people who make, broadcast and consume this stuff or the admittedly much smaller number of people who think material like this is just a teensy wee bit fucked up and fascist and question where it is all going?
Obviously the latter. I'm surprised you need ask, even if it was a rhetorical question.
Welcome back, btw. I trust things are well with the Conspiraloon International Alliance.
tutto bene
jon doy - my first thoughts as I was watching it.
No comment
The source:
Oh, there is one time when they don't mention CO2 in the media related to the weather:
(and in case you haven't read this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/11/05/nosplit/nwarm05.xml)
Hi Stef! Yeah, the 'Live Earth' 7/7/7 thing. Kabbalah through and through. Check out the significance of the number 7 to these people. Then visit the Live Earth web site and note the Live Earth logo: it's the point within a circle used within Freemasonry and Kabbalah. It represents God - i.e. man - in the centre of the universe. And the so-called SOS campaign lying behind it all? It stands for Save Our Selves. We are our own salvation. Sound familiar?
BTW, I have finished the first part of my examination of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogmas of Freemasonry, just in case you're interested. One degree down...31 to go!
jon doy - my first thoughts as I was watching it.
i never made that film, it's my brother, look, it's some bloke who simply happens to look like me
watched what ?
i'm innocent i tells ya
J.P. Stonehouse said...
Yeah, the 'Live Earth' 7/7/7 thing. Kabbalah through and through. Check out the significance of the number 7 to these people.
There you have it! Categorical proof that four young, British Muslim men organised the London 'bombings' of 7/7 [2+0+0+5, which killed [5+2].
FREE BARRY GEORGE! (But don't ask about Peter Power's mate, Steven Savva.)
Yeah, free Barry George
I don't believe those stories about him chaining Scandinavian Y-Front models to radiators for a second
and what about Steven Savva?
/ shouldn't have asked
Seemingly a bit of a career criminal and one of only two other suspects in the Jill Dando murder inquiry until such time as the plod leading the investigation decided, 'He was disillusioned with theories of professional hitmen and Crimewatch vendettas, telling friends they seemed "outlandish and far-fetched".'
And none of it was anything to do with Jill Dando's involvement with the plight of Kosovo Albanians. No siree, especially in the years before the 'Muslim' 'terror' 'threat' was ramped up to its modern-day hysterical pitch.
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