Thursday, April 06, 2006

Same old crap Different fucking country

Would you like to know more?


One subject I have consciously avoided from mentioning in my blog, even though it does occupy some of my thoughts, is the whole mixing up Jews with Zionism and the role Israel plays in what’s going on in the World thing.

It makes me intensely uncomfortable.

Those of my friends and acquantainces who happen or happened to be Jewish are quite clearly not benefitting personally from a global Zionist conspiracy, nor do they spend their time agitating for continued aggression and discord in the Middle East.

But then I see crap like the advert above which appeared in several national newspapers yesterday...

And people will feel uncomfortable criticising it because it was paid for by the American Jewish Committee, whatever the fuck that is, even though it’s pretty clear that the advert is all about Israel.

The meta text on the AJC homepage includes the touching and heartfelt line ...

Builds bridges of understanding across ethnic, national, racial and religious lines in America and around the world.

This ad is just another example of the deliberate conflation of race and politics that pisses off people who may have issues with some aspects of the behaviour of a certain country whilst not having a racist bone in their body.

This particular ruse really is near the end of its useful life.

And then of course there's the fact the the majority of Ultra Zionists are actually Fundamentalist Christians, not Jews; looking to give God a helping hand by realising Biblical prophecy in their own lifetimes.

This behaviour may or may not be blasphemous, depending on whether you view Biblical prophecy as either divine prediction or something more like an employee mission statement.


We’ve seen crap like this before. Most recently in the run up to the last attack on Iraq.

And when our governments do finally get round to attacking the next Muslim country on their list; Iran, Syria or wherever, we’ll see more.

And more

And more

And, er, more

Or does anyone out there really believe that would be the end of it?

Fuck me, New Zealand is looking good


Wolfie said...

OMFG! I have spent the last ten minutes in shock. Can anyone really be that stupid? Don't these papers have editors? Does the lobotomy get in the way of performing their duties? Sorry I'm going to have to lay down for a while...

DE said...

The Iranian state goes to extremes to make a nuclear weapon. They don't get invaded or pre-emptively destroyed. Then they just give it to passsing terrorists. Yuh.

Could you run that past me again, guys?

On second thoughts, just fuck off.