edit: and cheers to anon for this little gem...

Stef's Blog - a native London Southlander and unrepentant 'Conspiraloon™' who doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. Sometimes I take pictures. I also enjoy swearing immensely and think much faster than I can type, so each post comes guaranteed to include at last one confusing typo. OK?
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon Laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
And I thought first you were implying Thatcher's "I want our money back!"...
Totally unrelated, did you know that:
The real map of London as North Londoners know it (pdf)
The real map of London as North Londoners know it (pdf)
and an extremely accurate map it is too
and new to me, thx
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