Not being the greatest fan of the building even when sober, the effects of a few drinks only enhanced the malevolence of the place
Later on in the evening, back at home, I flipped on my computer for a few minutes of relaxing, semi-inebriated surfing. I found myself reading through the comments underneath Guido Fawkes' post on the subject of a video of Tory MP Damian Green's office being searched by anti-terror police...
The mix of right wing libertarians, conservatives and Little Englanders who comment on the site were understandably outraged at the implications of Green's arrest for civil liberties in this country
and all I could think to myself was 'Where was your outrage when the government was doing this to Muslims? Did you really think it was going to stop with just one group of people? Are you really that fucking stupid, you hypocritical, self-interested, narrow-minded, bigoted fucks?'
I banged my head against the keyboard a couple of times then went to bed...
"I banged my head against the keyboard a couple of times then went to bed..."
hey I know the feeling!
"I banged my head against the keyboard a couple of times then went to bed..."
hey I know the feeling!
The League of Gentlemen...Job Centre
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out
Just add "middle class white people" as needed.
There must be something in the air. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
The best bit in that episode of Any Answers you refer to comes about nine minutes in when an ex(?) copper calls up and accuses all the previous callers (enraged Middle Englanders) of living in 'paranoid loony land'
How did they like the taste them apples I wonder?
We're all Conspiraloons now, oh yes
Conspiraloon is, of course, the new Gay
and I'm encountering an increasingly larger number of people who prefix with their opinions with lines like
'I'm not a conspiracy theorist but...'
Yeah the tories are right to be outraged by the 'police state' treatment of Green. But if they're that concerned about a police state, perhaps they shouldn't have voted for one?
'I'm not a conspiracy theorist but...'
".... I'm about to say something that makes me sound just like one, only more so, almost like I live in the paranoid loony land enforced by coppers but which they can't see because it's more than their job's worth."
Ho ho ho!
We're all Conspiraloons now, oh yes
That warm fuzzy Conspiraloon feeling is now available to everyone.
"Now we have a senior coroner. Sir Michael Wright, coroner in the Jean Charles de Menezes inquiry, who has told the jury they are not permitted to return a verdict of unlawful killing."
Courtesy Craig Murray. Follow the link, it's worth reading.
It is yes, thanks
There's so much villainy taking place at the moment it's almost impossible to keep up
which, I suppose, is the idea
It's more than a feeling
It's a lifestyle choice
"When the Nazis came for ..." the fine pastor Niemöller cheered that finally somebody is bringing order to this country. And he choose to omit that fact when has written these lines. And it is fitting that Niemöller's wikipedia entry seems to have the facts slightly screwed too..
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