I have to confess that I didn't actually watch the Olympic handover ceremony in Beijing last month
But maybe I should have
Thanks to MP for sending me a link to an interesting discussion thread over at the David Icke forum
Tthe thread starts off well but is dragged away to La-La Land quite quickly. As MP points out 'You have to wade through a lot of nutcasery but there is some thought-provoking stuff there'
Not least the references made to the peculiar bit in the middle of the Olympic handover ceremony where a small child walks over a series of bodies and, in the words of one contributor to the discussion...
"The bus bombing ceremony starts with dancers crowding around the bus doorway, they suddenly throw themselves backwards as if a bomb has exploded on the bus, they are scattered on the ground near the bus which reveals a muslim standing on the bus
The top section of the bus then explodes outwards exactly as on 7/7 & up pops the former owner of Aleister Crowleys house & well known satanist, Jimmy Page.
Beckham & Leona Lewis stand on top of the bus as the camera pans across to the Olympic flame coming from a giant torch covered in 666 symbols.
The muslim steps off the bus & walks over the bodies lying on the ground."

Unfortunately, the IOC is enforcing its copyright pretty aggressively so I can only post a link to the full excruciating 15 minutes of Illuminated NWO wank. The bus starts doing interesting things round about 8:20 minutes in...
Olympic Bus Bombing Ceremony
All coincidental, no doubt, but you would have thought that the ceremony designers would have plumped for the more iconic Routemaster for their little show of tacky Londonana
edit: and here's a link to the video introduction played at the start of the ceremony - complete with blokes with black rucksacks standing at bus-stops and goosestepping guardsmen

a conspirallon makes a speech.
Jesse Ventura Speech Rally for the Republic 9/02/08 Pt. 2
Looks like those are Greek soldiers doing their weird thing.
I've noticed the less relevant the nation, the stupider its soldier's ceremonial marching.
/ searches for photo of Andorran national guard uniform
/ fails
"The 2012 Olympic martyrs: 'We'll go to jail rather than pay £33.33 Games tax', say pensioners"
Now where have I seen number before?
Ah, the old Routemaster....
Colin Cramphorn (RIP) past Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police had an interest [Page61] in the security of the iconic Routemaster, & he could possibly have told us something of the July 2005 events involving 7/3/1 such similar vehicles....
but alas he's gone...... however the doyen of nasty thinktanks - the Policy Exchange are keeping his name alive in connection with all things terror related - namely a memorial lecture after him .....
(& inviting lunchpails to speak......)
Cramphorn also unreliably informed us (in August 2006, then appearing to withdraw his remarks...) that pure indoctrination camps... 'typical of terrorists seeking to build cells in this country' would be found...
These hard-core indoctrination camps (so the Appeal Lords tell us) were all over the Newsh in January 2007 'til 11 July 07 (July 21st 'protest flour bombers' trial) & in October 2007 'til February 2008 ('Osama bin London Breakfast' trial).
It should also be mentioned that the security services were monitoring/organising? one such camp that linked the aforementioned 2 trials way back in May 2004...
(The Appeal Lords also said [#24] that "there is no direct evidence ... of Mohammed Hamid having organised the [Lake District heavy laden rucksack, barking orders, military crawl, stick firing, marching, terror camping] trip, but you won't find that in the Newsh)
Jimmy defends handover
The Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page won't accept that his duet with Leona Lewis at the Olympics closing ceremony was the first low-point of the London 2012 Games.
"We got so much criticism and I really don't know why," he tells Pandora. "I think we did a great job – it was an honour to be there. People just need to be less cynical. You know, we went out there, we only had 10 minutes – what did people expect?"
Would he do it again in 2012? "I don't know about that yet. If they asked, it would be an honour."
Everything's going to shit and the answer, according to the legendary guitarist, is to be less cynical. Marvellous stuff.
Jimmy Page,,well he was a very good guitarist at the time,,,now he is a propaganda puppet and his guitar skills wanting.
Another conspiraloon clip
The bit before JV mentions 9/11 and talks about gun toting patriots reserving their 2nd amendment rights to overthrow a wicked government is also worth watching
His audience of middle class proletariat appeared to dig that message muchly
I'm also gratified to see that this blog is #2 for a google search for 'middle class proletariat'
I think JV is all right and means well.Over at 911 Blogger people are worried that he is associating with Jim Fetzer who is prone to the odd David Ickism and are worried that Ventura might be set up by Fetzer to look like like a stupid cunt if he´s not careful,,I however think mr Ventura is smarter than that
Just as a side note.Thanks to the internet this generation are on a steep learning curve about just how fucked their "leaders" really are,,,my eldest son for example(aged12)knows that 911 was an inside job,,,amazing when you think about it that a 12 year old kid should know that their elected leaders are willing to murder their own citizens for insane geopolitical reasons.
I'd vote for JV
but he really does have to be careful about the company he's been keeping
Convenient how one of the bombers "missed his train" and ended up on a bus. Would have made a tube train explosion reenactement a bit difficult.
putting aside for a moment whether the resonance between the Olympic ceremony and 7/7 is accidental or not the visual parallels do raise a relevant issue
I believe that if viewers had been told that the ceremony was a representation of, say, the spirit of London rising phoenix-like out of the flames of 7/7 that is exactly how they would have interpreted that ceremony
but they weren't so they didn't
people 'see' what they are told to see
Did you see this one from today's Guardian ? You only look credible when you start to make charts and color boxes theories about Al-Qaida.
And what about this story I read recently on MI5 agents briefing the press for purposes of propaganda against Al-Qaida ? That makes the press look really cool...
no, I hadn't
thank you
what a lot of balls
that would be this story
but you've got to wonder why we've been told about it
Anon (04 September 2008 10:57)
Don't fall into the rut of the noble conspiraloon. If JV ever does talk batpoo, then so what? there's no compulsion to accept it. Can't the 'truth' movement buffer divergent opinion> Fetzer's got a good head, doesn't mean he's always going to be in the right.
It seems truthers are becoming afraid to allow divergent opinions. Let such people express their 'unusual' opinions. Unite on the commonalities, or the struggle to get improvement will continue to fail.
Moles and detractors are only effective if any silly silly sausage they serve up gets attention.
as I've recently commented on a fine blog elsewhere, I'm personally all for 'truthers' focusing on those things they share rather than those things that divide them
I do however reserve the right not to take seriously anyone who claims to be Jesus and/or King Arthur
or demands that I believe in pixies
or who claims that they are in possession of the Absolute Truth as dictated to them, and them alone, by those same pixies
...and let's not kid ourselves here
some of the division, such as obsessing over whether Amy Goodman or, closer to home, active members of J7T (I've seen some heinous shit over at 911 UK Truth in the past) are Jewish, as if that in itself meant anything, is pointless, disgraceful behaviour
oToH if someone claims to be THE Messiah or aggressively rants that anyone who believes planes actually hit the Twin Towers is a retard there's not much you reasonably do to accommodate those people without compromising your own beliefs and looking like a bit of a dick in the process
Those who make absolutist claims with bugger all, or at very best questionable, evidence to back those claims are inherently divisive
And there's no need to invoke MI5 or the Mossad in explaining much of this kind of behaviour
There's a certain personality type which seeks dominion over others by demanding absolute feality to their absolute claims - however outlandish and unsubstantiated
And, as luck would have it, there are always potential followers out there with a taste for that sort of thing
The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith and his golden plates is a personal favourite
The Bullshitometer is going crazy again...
Re: 21/7 Source.
"Security sources have told Sky News that a high explosive was found on the bus, similar to that used in the July 7 attacks." - That's interesting, How did they know so quickly? And on the 7-7 explosives, 'they' never bothered to confirm which explosive was used (are we to believe the analysis and dissemination to Sky security sources took no more than 2 weeks after 7/7?? and on 21/7 it the analysis and dissemination was 'on the day' - seems so! Rapid analysis is actually possible, but it ties them down to a specific explosive. Obviously that wouldn't be helpful - It would raise a number of other awkward Q's. see later)
It goes on...
"And the smell indicated that the explosives had been made up incorrectly, with too much acetone and not enough peroxide." - I've read scientific papers on TATP synthesis. Equimolar quantities of peroxide and acetone are employed - as one would expect if the cyclic TATP is desired. An acetone rich mixture is likely to produce much TATP.
Not only that, making TATP isn't so simple. Other reagents are required for example 50% Hydrogen peroxide! Yes! 50% (cited in one specific reference) and Conc sulfuric. Then you have the steps of extraction and drying etc. Where you gonna get all those reagents from? Next to Woolies pic 'n mix counter??
It seems doubtful TATP could form should the correct ratios of reagents not be employed. There are other acteone peroxides but (if memory serves correct), their thermal liberation properties are also insignificant, leading to the next point:
"Witnesses to the explosion said there had been a bang followed by the smell of smoke.... {woman said} she smelled smoke on the bus. " - Hummm... in my research (and if memory serves correct), it and its related organic peroxides are not exogenic / won't burn things, hence won't generate smoke.
Aaagh! It's just me being finnickey! Put the meter away lw. It's unimportant right!
Here's looking forward to the 2012 terror olympics
@ stefZ re: truthers.
I didn't know if anon had read that other blog, so I offered the comment as it was obviously foremeost in my mind, & thanks for commentating over there (and expanding on it here after what I said.)
Don't worry, my I won't force my pixie on you :) But I do always hope you will embrace the pixie, but that's for you to decide and for me to respect your decision.
a little cross-posting is good for the soul
as for the 2012 Terror Olympics I'm secretly hoping that all that conspiraloonacising on that subject is true as, one way or another, I'll be long out of it by then
Sadly, I don't think we'll be waiting that long
It´s all about perceptions.
interesting post Stef. I watched it live and thought it was a very bizarre, contrived dance display. The top of the bus peeling open was just plain weird. After reading this post, to be honest, I look back and my intuition is now telling me it was more contrived than coincidentally bizarre.
After reading Dave McGowan's superb Laurel Canyon series on his site(if its all coincidence, then the universe has a sense of humor), the unusual choice of Jimmy Page also seems a contrivance.
fuckin weird if you ask me
Leona Lewis and Jimmy Page - Whole Lotta Love live video
Jimmy Page is, of course, one of the last people you'd expect to hide subliminals in a performance
I love the astory of Brian May after HMQ's lovefestrockinon her Golden having played her tune. He meets her formally.
Q "Did you enjoy it ?"
BM" Yes, we must do this again sometime"
Q "Not in my garden you won't"
..in Re Peking 10 minutes GB wankfest.. that Jimmy Page collects his pension in February was my immediate thought.
The parable of the bus was not immediately apparent but the more you think about it...
However having been involved in some pointless promos when someone else is picking up th tab. It is not entirely impossible that the "creative" guys decided to trouser the £2.4 Mill and simply take the piss.
I could be persuaded either way but the more I think about the way the top of that bus disarticulated, back first, well...
This comment on a comment by lwtc247 ... ""Witnesses to the explosion said there had been a bang followed by the smell of smoke.... {woman said} she smelled smoke on the bus. " - Hummm... in my research (and if memory serves correct), it and its related organic peroxides are not exogenic / won't burn things, hence won't generate smoke."
Reminded me of something that happened a while ago. The journal Chemistry & Industry had a picture on the front cover of what they described as an explosision. It was an image of a huge yellow flame with copious amounts of smoke. The following issue of the journal had, as letter of the week (winning £10), a note from PG Urben the then editor of Bretherick (a safety 'bible'). The note explained that the photograph on last editions front cover was not a picture of an explosion but (from memory) a conflagration. He went on to explain that an explosion was defined by its rate of detonation which was a lot faster than a conflagration etc etc. His note quickly demolished the feeble fib of the editors of the journal.
Sorry. Big error earlier. Should have read:
An acetone rich mixture is NOTlikely to produce much TATP.
Stef, please could sacrifice some of your time to ammend my previous post, I would be very grateful. Tq.
Humbly yours... lw
Jimmy Page - the nation's favourite paedophile. (look up Lori Maddox)
"If I played guitar, I'd be Jimmy Page / The girlies I like are underage."
Stef, please could sacrifice some of your time to ammend my previous post, I would be very grateful. Tq.
Blogger is not my friend in this instance and I'd run a serious risk of confusing the issue
'fret not I think your point is made
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