Sadly, I'm going to be deprived of an Internet connection for the next few days which means that I may miss the next exciting, well maybe exciting is the wrong word, sequel to the little, um, situation mentioned in my previous post :(
And, as usual, I will punctuate a posting hiatus by slapping up some links to assorted old tat sitting in my bookmarks folder…
Exhibit A - Max, 19, hits the road.
A fine example of the dead tree press harnessing the power of new media and the Internet to branch out into e-nepotism - to rapturous acclaim from a series of delighted and inventively abusive commentators (comments are now closed). Skip the article, read the abuse
(I must admit to some slight prejudice here as I'm a lot older than 19 and live on a reclaimed marsh in South London)
Exhibit B – Catholic Costumes for Children
"Aside from the obvious Catholic reasons, we are absolutely horrified at the costumes that are being offered this season. Want to dress your little girl like a street walker or jail bait? Perhaps you'd like to encourage pedophilia. This company has the solution."
As soon as they start doing a pre-teen Alexander VI costume my first order definitely goes in

And in fairness to Catholic Costumes for Children they do link to some pretty fucked up stuff available elsewhere – even Woolworths are getting in on the paedo-frenzy

See also: ‘Papist or Rapist’ - A photo quiz that's a lot harder than it should be which comes with the following disclaimer - 'This is all meant as a bit of fun and I did go to the trouble of researching these images, but I would hate to piss anyone off, so if you appear here as a sex offender, or worse still, if you appear as a member of the Roman Catholic church, then let me know and I will rectify the situation immediately. Likewise, if you look a bit dodgy and think that you should have been included for one of the categories and can substantiate your claim to either being a working member of the appropriate faith or a convicted sex offender then I will be happy to consider your application.'
Exhibit C – Flickr Photo streams which have caught my eye

This photo and it’s surrounding stream are interesting...
As is this stream...
But not this one...
Exhibit D – Most apathetic demonstrator ever?
Anti BNP demo today…
Exhibit E - Quizmania (No Legs Caller)
Er, that’s enough Exhibits for now
Intermission begins…
Poor Max. That 'story' was discussed on BBC news and invoked a defensive article from GU -
- who tried to make it look like his dad wasn't who people thought he was, even though he is, and that Max was attacked by all the horrid internet people of a lower social standing who were just jealous. Pater wading in probably just made it worse.
"He now appears on Wikipedia under the section on 'nepotism', alongside Kim Jong-il of North Korea and George W Bush."
Vay harsh. Even Derek Conway's son wasn't on there last time I looked....it now seems to have engendered a dispute (an example from the history page: "The next person who deletes the Gogarty reference will have their IP banned. It is a legitimate example, end of story.") which from what I can understand of Wikipedia isn't completely unheard of, especially when people don't like other people adding bits about Peter Power to his wiki page.
It's hardly what I'd call a "tsunami of hate" - at least Max closed his own blog out of choice. Some others I know of had to put up with internet campaigns over that...
Ah, what a cruel, capricious and spiteful place the world is....I feel sorry for Max, but he does need to learn this. Which is why I've pencilled in next week to set fire to his collection of skinny jeans whilst he's in India.
{Voice of Janice} "Oh! My! God! {Voice of Janice OFF}
Stef - I've found another Big Name Conspiraloon!!!!!
Tory big brain John Redwood writes about the Basel regulations, "The biggest problem is the so-called sub prime crisis, which is in practise a world crisis, not just a US one, and is not confined to mortgages alone. It is a securitisation and off balance sheet crisis � too many banks packaged up too many loans born of the easy money conditions the authorities encouraged, and spread them around the system. The Regulators through their Basel I requirements positively encouraged this, asking for less capital if you securitised your lending and pushed it off your own balance sheet. This crisis should be called the Basel regulatory crisis, rather than the sub prime crisis." In other words, 'It's the Bankers, stupid."
But it gets worse, "The Soc Gen debacle is difficult to believe. Most banks make dealers deal in open dealing rooms where colleagues can hear what they are up to. I thought most require two signatures on larger deals, most have real time reporting through a common system, and anyone needing cash to pay margin or settle transactions would need someone else to certify or check the requirement." In other words, he doubts the 'Lone Trader Conspiracy Theory'.
What was your delightful quote again? "Non-conspiracy theorists, I, err something, on them."
During Stef's intermission, economic analysis can be had from the former soviet Union via Ames' Exile where the USD 45 trillion credit default swap market is being touted as being a bit shaky.
The Lotto Rapist story seems to have come and gone. A couple of things: firstly, it hasn't, we're still awaiting the ruling of a judge from s33 of the Limitation Act 1980 as to whether or not it would be equitable to allow the victim of the rape to progress the case (Lord Hoffman said, "I would allow the claimant's appeal and remit the case to a judge of the Queen's Bench Division to decide whether the discretion under section 33 should be exercised in the claimant's favour.").
Secondly, the Lotto Rapist case wasn't only about the Lotto Rapist. It was about, Lord Hoffman again, "six appeals all raise the question of whether claims for sexual assaults and abuse which took place many years before the commencement of proceedings are barred by the Limitation Act 1980."
Due to the positive outcomes of this ruling, coupled with the ruling in Lister v Hesley Hall (which allowed for suing the employers of abusers under vicarious liability) does this mean that we are in store for a number of child abuse allegations to be heard? Is what's happening on Jersey now, a result of the ruling?
I imagine that victims of child abuse have spent their lives trying to forget their experiences, especially when there was no chance of obtaining any justice: the Lotto Rapist case, as it's misleadingly called, may have changed all that.
Both not excactly fish, but my sugestion for the next animal of the month:
This nice Maki:
and the Axolotl
How times change:
Wasn't it the other way round, in 1995? With the Bosnian muslims being the poor&innocent and the bosnian serbs being the evil ones? And that both times on Sky?
Those damn terrorists are going to attack us with Daleks now!
Legal mind, Charon, links to a blog that writes of the "collapse of the domestic conveyancing market?".
He quotes the blog as follows, "“The utter collapse of the housing market has meant that the ‘bread and butter’ regular domestic conveyancing income that such practices rely on has almost dried up, with the result that many firms are having to lay off staff.”"
"He now appears on Wikipedia under the section on 'nepotism', alongside Kim Jong-il of North Korea and George W Bush."
comedy gold!!
anyone who starts a blog in a national newspaper with the line...
‘I'm 19 and live on top of a hill in north London…’
is just gagging for it imho
I blame the parents
Stef - I've found another Big Name Conspiraloon!!!!!
and he looks like an alien too
economic analysis can be had from the former soviet Union via Ames' Exile
The Exile is a fine read and arguably superior to The Daily Mash on the basis that most of the stories are True-ish
War Nerd is, of course, a must read and the occasional site search for 'Death Porn' usually yields some intriguing little anecdotes
Both not excactly fish, but my sugestion for the next animal of the month:
Aaaawwwwwwwwww, cute...
thx for the link
now also available on Youtube, complete with a couple of thousand appreciative, well-informed coments
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