Well, I laughed, a lot
Stef's Blog - a native London Southlander and unrepentant 'Conspiraloon™' who doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. Sometimes I take pictures. I also enjoy swearing immensely and think much faster than I can type, so each post comes guaranteed to include at last one confusing typo. OK?
Add your candidate(s) here
We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon Laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
I laughed too. Probably not as much as you...but I was a big Top Trumps fan. The new ones are rubbish.
They used to be 55p and now they're £4. Basards.
Sounds like the beginning of a new, inflation based deck to me
"I've got interest rates - up 16% this year"
"I've got tube tickets - up 14% this year"
"I've got gas - up 38% this year. I win!"
OMG!!! Best post ever!!!
So good it crashed my cable modem :/
Ahh, I remember the days.
"Wing span on the B-52? Er.. 28 miles.
I win."
but seriously for a moment
The wingspan of a B-52 in Top Trumps was 56.4m but in the knock off Ace Trumps deck it was only 56m. What was that all about?
\ invincibly sad
You pathetic boring arse. Who gives a ===== for your announcements, you berk.
It begins...
OMG!!! Best Comment Ever!!!
@mr sock - do you think I should have deleted that abusive comment?
Delete it? I thought you wrote it
I'm thinking anonymous has run out of cards.
I think someone missed a great opportunity to create a wonderful Top Trumps card set...
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