Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Charles Veitch - off my Christmas card list

Hands up, I admit that I've linked to a couple of videos from Charlie Veitch's Love Police in the past

However, in recent months I've been somewhat uneasy about Charles' place in the scheme of things.

There was that business a few months ago when Charles posted a video of him and his girlfriend; glamorous, pouting, reality TV contestant Silkie Carlo, bigging up Julian Assange

Then he turns up in support of that personal hero of mine and 21st century British equivalent of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Lord Muad'dib of Canvey island (that was at the trial timed to coincide with the conclusion of the 7/7 inquest)

Then there was Veitch's well-publicised 'pre-crime' arrest before the recent royal wedding and Veitch's peculiar pre pre-crime arrest video where he sails off with the fairies and explains that he had been treated relatively leniently by the authorities thus far because he was being true to the path laid out for him by the Cosmic Consciousness

Which doesn't work too well for me as I can think of a long list of people who have been true to their conscience and had their heads blown off as a consequence

And that's without muck-raking around Charlie and Silkie's backgrounds

But there was always the possibility that Charlie was what he purported to be

However, as Michael Parenti said, 'Trust no-one except your family. And, even then, check them out once in a while'

Charlie Veitch on 9/11...

Case closed


rob said...

I´d never heard of Chaz but after having watched a few videos of him I could tell he was/is a wanker and a Scottish one at that.

rob said...

probably from Edinburgh which is even worsde(being a Glaswegian!)although the only Scot I´ve heard with any balls at all on the matter is this one.Plus he´s funny.

YouTube - ‪fknnewz's Channel‬‏

paul said...

He definitely has the tone of an east coast bourgeois, but I've always noticed there's far less variation amongst these across scotland than in the lower orders, even in the hundred miles of the east I'm familiar with.

rob said...

If I had to bet on it I´d say he grew up in Edinburgh area

paul said...

Probably here

rob said...

definitely that Shayler moment

rob said...

funny though the guy who interviews our Charley also starts going off at a tangent and begins blaming the Chinks for the worlds woes He thinks the Chinese may be in control of the chem trails for fuck sake!at 12min or so into the interview.

maybe this guy has got it cracked however.

YouTube - ‪Charlie Veitch's 911 u-turn‬‏

he´s pretty good actually.

Anonymous said...

9/11 seems to be good at sorting the wheat from the chaff. For example, Wayne Madsen mentions the Silverstein "pull it" and 'dancing israelis' memes in this PressTV discussion....


Stef said...

"9/11 seems to be good at sorting the wheat from the chaff"

Madsen also mentions the BBC's premature reporting of the collapse of WTC7

A snippet which only 'emerged' anonymously ages after 9/11

That could be the product of a diligent researcher wanting to keep a low profile

Or, it's equally consistent with someone highlighting a deliberately placed clue which researchers had stubbornly failed to spot for years

Stef said...

In fairness to Madsen, I'm not above pointing people towards the 'dancing Israelis' as an indication of foreknowledge of 9/11

But, as discussed previously, it is a suspicious story, very similar in nature to the 'fireproof passports', flight manuals in hire cars and all the rest - and I won't pretend that it's any different

The wheat from the chaff part comes when you try to draw a Truther's attention to the bizarrely self-incriminatory nature of the dancers' behaviour

scotbot said...

Guys, the dancing Israelis were on TV in Israel admitting they were there in New York to film the event.

If that doesn't imply foreknowledge I dunno what does.

Stef said...

yes, as I acknowledge above, it does

but, in case you missed our earlier discussion, a question follows on from the dancing Israelis story and is a question that is rarely asked...

After going to such efforts to implicate Islamic fundamentalists in the planning and execution of 9/11, why would Israeli intelligence operatives dress up as Arabs and make a spectacle of themselves in broad daylight in two different locations whilst the attack was underway?

rob said...

After going to such efforts to implicate Islamic fundamentalists in the planning and execution of 9/11, why would Israeli intelligence operatives dress up as Arabs and make a spectacle of themselves in broad daylight in two different locations whilst the attack was underway?

did they dress up as Arabs??don´t think so

Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? - ABC News

Stef said...

Dispatcher: Jersey City police.

Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and going around a building.

Caller: There's a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniform.

Dispatcher: He has what?

Caller: He's dressed like an Arab.

(as reported by WNBC and archived at WRH

Stef said...

In the next episode we can ask ourselves...

'Why short airline stocks immediately pre 9/11 in the full knowledge that you'll never be able to collect the proceeds?'

The infamous options we're not exercised, which means that whoever bought them actually spent money drawing attention to themselves and their foreknowledge

KingofWelshNoir said...


Totally agree, and then there was Rumsfeld 'accidentally' saying it was a missile that hit the Pentagon, and George Bush 'accidentally' saying the Towers were blown up, and 'accidentally' saying he saw the first plane hit the towers on TV etc. They know how to push our buttons.

Conrad Turner said...

Speaking of dubious characters with occluded intentions,I noticed that Daniel Obachike has surfaced,selling tickets to his appearance at a london venue,9 quid a pop.No photography or video allowed,security provided by a company called "Hench".I wish some decent researcher could nail this slippery eel down for me.Can't make him out.
Word verification - phessin

Stef said...

I've yet to encounter anyone who can

I am pretty certain, however, that under no circumstances whatsoever would I recommend sending him two signed blank sheets of A4 and your bank a/c details

KingofWelshNoir said...

Here's a question for you Stef. Remember how excited we all got when it was revealed that the BBC had reported the collapse of Building 7 half an hour before it happened? Here at last was the smoking gun! But then as the years passed you had to wonder: how could 'They' have made such an elementary mistake? I mean, there's the building on the horizon. We release the press release when it goes down. Not hard, really, is it? So d'you think this was just another of the mindgames the spooks were playing at the expense of the Conspiraloons?

Stef said...

Personally speaking I do think the BBC WTC7 is peculiar. It is a bizarre mistake to make. The mistake only identified years after 9/11 and it was done so anonymously

As to the possible reasons for deliberately planting smoking gun evidence I'm at a loss

Something along the line of an illusionist distracting his audience comes to mind but from what I do not know

The Official Narrative of 9/11 (and 7/7) doesn't stack up. That people can prove

Alternative Narratives based on fragments of information that have been fed to people make me nervous

Stef said...

As discussed previously this blowing smoke thing goes back a long way and I'm reminded of the story about how the Bavarian Illuminati were first exposed

Apparently, the story goes, an Illuminati courier called lange/ lanz/ lang was killed by a bolt of lightning and the authorities stumbled upon uncoded Illuminati despatches sewn into his coat/ hidden in his saddle bags

How fortuitous

paul said...

Blowing smoke?

Perhaps the BBC anomaly was just a mistake. It was an extremely big operation and it would be hard to execute everything to perfection.

Maybe these things were actual 'incompetence' but, in the large, as young mr grace might have said to the perpetrators:

"You've all done very well!"

Stef said...

...or how about trying to track down the source for The Protocols of Zion

Or Pike's 1871 letter to Mazzini where he allegedly predicts three world wars

Anonymous said...

Re WTC7, I sometimes wonder if there's a few 'good people' in the system trying to put a few spanners in the works. This is the sort of thing I'd expect to happen if such a group existed.

Stef said...

"Perhaps the BBC anomaly was just a mistake. It was an extremely big operation and it would be hard to execute everything to perfection."

It might be

But what niggles me is that the announcement of this mistake happened years after 9/11 and was done anonymously

When the incriminating footage 'emerged' on the Internet I spent a little time trying to find out who had identified it and how

Not much joy there

Stef said...

"Re WTC7, I sometimes wonder if there's a few 'good people' in the system trying to put a few spanners in the works. This is the sort of thing I'd expect to happen if such a group existed."

Could be

All I'm arguing for, to a point of being tedious, is that is that it is common sense to scrutinise evidence that suits your world view as rigorously as you would examine material that contradicts your world view

paul said...

As for the airline stocks, they could be pure misdirection;

By the end of the week, the DJIA had fallen 1369.7 points (14.3%), its largest one-week point drop in history. U.S. stocks lost $1.2 trillion in value for the week.

There's a lot of room in there for shorting anywhere you like, you could either take the hit on the airlines and make more elsewhere or use the the fine traditions of insider trading to gull others to take the hit.

Stef said...

"There's a lot of room in there for shorting anywhere you like, you could either take the hit on the airlines and make more elsewhere or use the the fine traditions of insider trading to gull others to take the hit"


Which is what I'm getting at

The shorts still get quoted on Truther sites though don't they? And usually without any associated critical consideration

And the most significant point about the airline stock shorts is the failure of the authorities to publicly identify who was behind them

paul said...

And the most significant point about the airline stock shorts is the failure of the authorities to publicly identify who was behind them

Well, it does keep the water muddy.

KingofWelshNoir said...

'Perhaps the BBC anomaly was just a mistake'

Yes, but it wasn't just a BBC mistake, all the networks carried the same story, they had all been fed the news half an hour early. The BBC have never identified the source.

paul said...

what I meant was it could be a mistake on the perpetrators' part.

Elmer Quigley Gooseburger said...

Curioser and curioser...

Is Charles losing it completely here... or am I?

paul said...

Did he ever have anything to lose?

KingofWelshNoir said...

'what I meant was it could be a mistake on the perpetrators' part.'

Indeed it could, but that is the nub of the issue, isn't it? When the BBC report of WTC 7 was first revealed we all clapped our hands and cackled, assuming the perps had made a monumental screw-up.

But then as time passed and we came across all these other similar anomalies, we began to wonder. Was it really a mistake? Or did they do it deliberately for some reason we can only guess at but probably had a lot to do with bamboozling the Conspiraloons?

Stef said...

"Is Charles losing it completely here... or am I?"

Both probably

But aren't we all

Charles appears to be coming to terms with the fact that he's just fucked his income stream

It's one thing to appeal to supporters to fund a full-time 'activist' lifestyle. An altogether different kettle of moonbeams expecting them to continue doing so after you've dismissed a large proportion of them as being mentally unwell

The Bargaining Phase will presumably commence shortly

paul said...

responding to kown:
that is the purpose,chase the tail,akin to a decadent,carniverous hunt, ignore the leaders of the hunt,focus on its toys.

Ringo Starr said...

The whole business of wtc7 falling down was mainly to reinforce the belief that buildings fall down neatly after fire and aircraft damage. The premature reports could be somewhat plausibly blamed on a mistake, yet also serve as bait for conspiraloons to feed on.

In other words, given that building 7 had to fall, what happened was the best way to muddy the waters overall.