Well that should sort out the genocidal maniacs who fill out forms honestly from those who don't quite effectively
...and, um, ex Prime Ministers
Having said that there was one time when I filled in a visa entry form, into New Zealand as I recall, with a dozen questions like - 'Are you are spy?', 'Are you a wanted criminal?' 'Are you a wanted terrorist?' and some bureaucrat with a sense of humour had hidden a question like 'Are you NOT a drug smuggler?' in the middle somewhere - just ticking the 'No' box twelve times without reading the questions wasn't a good idea
How we laughed at the desk as the customs official reached for the rubber gloves...
Someone once said the degree of civility in a society can be judged by entering its prisons...
I think the degree of asininity and ineptitude in a society can be judged by going through its border control.
You've flown into America then
Seen Australia's border\immigration control? the US and Canada? Far worse there I can assure you.
I had to fill in a questionnaire once and one of the questions was.
"have you thought of killing yourself lately?"
But have you noticed the British attitude that treats you like a cadet in their army? That is offensive, I'm not in your army mate. At least in the US they treat you like a person....until they don't.
Bank wars.
ok Germany is guaranteeing deposits in its banks so for a small feel I´ll be willing to keep your hard earned dosh in my account!!!any takers??
as the controlled demolition of the banking system continues this must have an underlying sub conscious effect on the masses,,,,the government will look after you all,,,yes we will make sure your money is safe!!!fuckin wankers.psyops.
Well if all governments guarantee all bank deposits (something that, by their very nature, banks cannot do in even the best of times) where does the old, stern chestnut of moral hazard leave us?
Could they just walk away and reform anew, like some monstrous financial phoenix?
And then offer to finance the hapless governments out of the predicament?
governments can guarantee sweet f all.
A government is a bunch of elected wankers in suits with absolutely no power except to garner the masses support for war.
They have no more control over that non existent entity money than they have over the clouds.
I´ve said it once before and its worth repeating that the wealth of a nation is a combination of access to cheap reliable energy,a skilled productive and inventive workforce and honest leaders.Bits of paper mean fuck all,,infact money is just a control tool of governments to make the masses shit scared,debt mortgage lose your job syndrome.
the controlled demolition of the finance system is an an attempt to control and manipulate all and sundry.IMHO
Frank Zappa
# The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.
now for something completely different.
I make a brief appearance in this video.
the Last Antarctic dog team.
the Russian Presidents video blog.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has started his own video blog on the official Kremlin website. Its the latest phase of his drive to make maximum use of modern technology across Russia, which inc...
could you imagine Bush doing this??
no, but I can imagine his dog doing it
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