Or at least it did until the page was pulled about five minutes ago...

Can I just take this opportunity to say
We'll keep on fighting and We'll win
(The link to the original FT article about, shock horror, the Rothschilds being slavers is here)
(I've also noticed that some of my old favourite UK-based anti-conspiracy theorist types have recently taken to using terms other than Conspiraloon. 'Conspiranoid' is one alternative that appears to have started doing the rounds. Do not be fooled by these inferior imitations; except maybe 'Conspiranaut', I like that one)
The FT is the best mainstream paper, as usual...
"Two of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies, documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery. " Says the FT, the rest of the article being pay-per-view.
This immediately brought to mind Catherine Austin Fitts' article,
"Okay, let's start at ground zero. It is 1947, and World War II is over. America is ready to go back to work to build the corporate economy. We are in New Orleans on the docks.
Two boats pull into the docks. The first boat is full of a white agricultural product grown in Latin America called sugar. The owner of the cargo, lets call him Sam, sells his boat load of white agricultural substance to the sugar wholesaler on the docks for how much money?
Ok, so let's say that Sam sells his entire boatload of sugar to the sugar wholesaler on the docks for X dollars.
Now, after Sam pays his workers and all his costs of growing and transporting the sugar, and after he and his wife spend the weekend in New Orleans and he pays himself a bonus and buys some new harvest equipment and pays his taxes, how much cash does he have left to deposit into his bank account? Or, another way of saying this is: What is Sam's net cash margin on his sugar business?
Well, it depends on how lucky and hard working and smart Sam is, but let's say that Sam has worked his proverbial you know what off and he makes around 5-10 percent. Sam the sugar man has a 5-10 percent cash profit margin. Let's call Sam's margin S for slim or SLIM PERCENTAGE.
Read the rest for yourself and you'll get the point that I'm trying to make. Viz, they say that cream 'n' bastards rise to the top but I've yet to see cream at the top.
Full FT article...
Rothschild and Freshfields founders had links to slavery, papers reveal
By Carola Hoyos
Published: June 27 2009 03:00 | Last updated: June 27 2009 03:00
Two of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies, documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family's 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery.
Far from being a matter of distant history, slavery remains a highly contentious issue in the US, where Rothschild and Freshfields are both active.
Companies alleged to have links to past slave injustices have come under pressure to make restitution.
JPMorgan, the investment bank, set up a $5m scholarship fund for black students studying in Louisiana after apologising in 2005 for the firm's historic links to slavery.
The archival documents have already prompted one of the banks named in the records to take action in the US.
When the FT approached Royal Bank of Scotland with information about its predecessor's links with slavery, the bank researched the claim, updated its own archives and amended the disclosures of past slave connections that it had previously lodged with the Chicago authorities.
But it is the disclosures about Mr Rothschild and Mr Freshfield that are likely to prompt the biggest stir.
In the case of Mr Rothschild, the documents reveal for the first time that he made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with a slave owner.
This will surprise those familiar with his role in organising the loan that funded the UK government's bail-out of British slave owners when colonial slavery was abolished in the 1830s. It was the biggest bail-out of an industry as a percentage of annual government expenditure - dwarfinglast year's rescue of the banking sector.
The chief archivist of the Rothschild family papers, Melanie Aspey, reacted with disbelief when first told of the contents of the records, saying she had never seen such links before.
Niall Ferguson, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard and author of
The World's Banker: A History of the House of Rothschild , said the documents showed "how pervasive slavery was in the structure of British wealth in 1830".
In Mr Freshfield's case, the records reveal that he and his sons had several slave-owner clients, mostly based in the Caribbean. The lawyers acted as trustees of the owners' estates and in one case tried to claim unpaid legal fees for the firm through the government scheme set up to compensate owners after abolition.
Nick Draper, a University College London academic who examined the documents, which will now form the basis of a comprehensive British slavery database at UCL, said the records would hopefully promote a better understanding of of the significance of slavery in Britain.
"We need to fill the gaps between those who deny slavery's role and those who believe Britain was built entirely on the blood of slaves," he said.
Both Rothschild, the bank, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer were quick to point to their predecessors' anti-slavery credentials.
Rothschild said Nathan Mayer Rothschild had been a prominent civil liberties campaigner with many like-minded associates and "against this background, these allegations appear inconsistent and misrepresent the ethos of the man and his business".
Freshfields said James William Freshfield was an active member of the Church Missionary Society, "which was committed to . . . the abolition of the slave trade".
Paper trail, Page 3 www.ft.com/slavery
conspiranaut is a favourite
as for the houseprice crash thing, can i just add the rustling sound of pot noodle lid in celebration ?
i reckon they had all the alternames sussed out in advance, and are rolling them out as part of some masterplan to eventually end up referring to loons as bullpigeons
oh, and thanks for adding The Postman, as Bridget says, he's a bit of a boost
HPC's forum has people saying you shouldn't dare claim welfare and try to scrounge off non-existent friends instead during hard times...so its not surprisingly the article was pulled.
surprising* even
I've read Niall Ferguson's biography of the Rothschilds and it's unwritten conclusion is that Rothschild arse tastes scrummy
For my sins, I also worked in the sugar trade for a few years. I don't recall encountering much cream at all
News from the Gold-Front!
@stef 1) maybe the cat go the cream?
2) Max Keiser has an interesting note, "If Iraq was main stream media’s failure, is Iran social network media’s failure? [UPDATED].
He's talking about people only hearing and seeing what they want to hear and see.
I remember protestors from the local University as the orange revolution unfolded. They got all hot 'n' bothered; yet all the time, Berezosky was funding it as his side kick (Goldfarb?) was plotting it.
Ha ha! Fractional reserve has been applied to physical gold & silver. WOW! They've got balls, no one can deny that..
Reminds me of the section of Paul Grignon's 'Money is debt' when the banker's vault scam was exposed. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6182802717158469419
On the subject of Berezosky's and Goldfarb's little plots and wheezes this, pre Litvinenko assasination, BBC documentary is always worth a spin...
The Russian Godfathers (BBC) Ep 1 - The Fugitive (1/6)
= Not brought to you by the same team behind the Conspiracy Files
Re. the gold thing
Max K. and various other alternative market pundits were predicting the iminent collapse of Comex last November/ December
Gold and the Last Contango in Washington?
It didn't happen
I watch/ listen to Max K. most weeks. He even does a show in Christchurh now. However, aside from a very good call on Iceland and the Carry Trade his predictive track record over the last couple of years has been shit...
- The US$ didn't fall when he said it would. It actually rose sharply
- The US$ Gold price has not risen to $2k and beyond
- The Euro has tanked
- Obama was not prevented from becoming the US president and is as big a twat as his predecessor
- The oil price fell sharply
Max also talks a lot of shit about Russia/ Putin and the whole global warming thing
I wouldn't bet tuppence on any of Max's calls
Entertaining, yes. Useful, no
I find it interesting that folks like Keiser, Alex Jones, Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Hudson and other Conspiraloon favourites are starting to appear on each other's shows a lot more than in the past
This could either be a very good thing, or a very bad thing. I haven't figured out which yet
Madoff gets 150 years, but the real scammers are still at large...
...what is definitely a Good Thing is the way that ordinary Loons are switching onto; as manifest in the interest shown in economicians such as Keiser, Hudson and Fitts, the fact that manipulation of Finance Capital lies at the heart of what is being done to the world - not space pixies, not mind control, not any of that stuff
Correction: it HASN'T been applied to 1st party physical G&S, but has to third party G&S. here is a difference. I advocate the former, individuals have physical possession and not entrust it to such non-trustworthy institutions.
"Reminds me of the section of Paul Grignon's 'Money is debt' when the banker's vault scam was exposed. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6182802717158469419"
the thing is, I watch that section and think 'does it really matter that the vault is empty?'
the gold has little intrinsic worth and is absolutely not required in the production of the food, clothing or shelter that people need
those mugs who realise that there's no gold in the vault should be asking themselves why they assigned any value to it in the first place
If I was about to start hoarding anything I'd start with a few sacks of rice, which I could trade for jewellery a little later on if I wasn't feeling hungry
If colour is important, a few pinches of turmeric work wonders
Gold? Dig it up, then bury it, then dig it up, and bury it again
Howard: Say, answer me this one, will you? Why is gold worth some twenty bucks an ounce?
Flophouse Bum: I don't know. Because it's scarce.
Howard: A thousand men, say, go searchin' for gold. After six months, one of them's lucky: one out of a thousand. His find represents not only his own labor, but that of nine hundred and ninety-nine others to boot. That's six thousand months, five hundred years, scramblin' over a mountain, goin' hungry and thirsty. An ounce of gold, mister, is worth what it is because of the human labor that went into the findin' and the gettin' of it.
Flophouse Bum: I never thought of it just like that.
Howard: Well, there's no other explanation, mister. Gold itself ain't good for nothing except making jewelry with and gold teeth.
and btw, thanks for finding this curious site...
'does it really matter that the vault is empty?'
Brings to mind a similar lack of imagination regarding the 'banking crisis'.
We have forward planning and endless drills for disasters such as biological attacks, fireman going on strike etc, but nothing was in place for a home grown threat to the foundation of our modern, futuristic uk economy.
The infrastructure was in place, there was the staff who wanted to go to work that day. Our government could have just picked it up for buttons, just as state assets will be when the IMF declares things have gotten 'out of control'.
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