Of course, the really entertaining thing is that all these people getting onto the 'Kick BP Whilst It's Down' bandwagon could be playing into the hands of some very ruthless people indeed
Welcome to the mindfuck that is Advanced Conspiraloonery...
Trust no-one. Not even yourself
Blaming the oil companies for the world's ills is so 90's.
It's like blaming the gun when someone gets shot.
Can anyone explain why there are calls for David Cameron to get involved in this? BP is a private company, isn't it?
Isn't it?
It would be a good way for Obama to push the carbon tax and restrict drilling in the Gulf...
Didn't their own director sell off his stake in the company in advance? It seems like a false flag incident to me.
BP chief sold over £1.4 million of shares weeks prior to oil spill
BP buys Google, Yahoo search terms to lead people to its own oil spill press releases
Halliburton purchased cleanup firm 8 days before Gulf oil spill
Conflicts of interest abound with Gulf region judges
BP and Feds withheld video of oil rig disaster
And so on...
here's my entry (fnarr fnarr) vote fer me!! :)
Hubris' entry to BP logo Competition
. . .or here . . .
Apparently the design experts were not amused and my design has been deemed 'not relevant to this contest' - which seems a little unfair as I thought a BP/Goatse-mashup was quite a precise summation of BP's contempt for the rest of the planet -PLUS I even went to the bother of opening a PayPal account for them to deposit my contest-winners loot - €200 - which I am positive I would have been sure to win, had I had not been so cruelly censored by TPTB
seemed perfectly relevant to me
yes, it is
and, there again, not really
its more of a merger of corporate and state power
now what's the word for that again? it's on the tip of my tongue...
Apparently criticising BP is being "anti-British". Gotta love fascism...
@ steff:
obviously the gentlepersons overseeing competition entries do not share our highly refined appreciation for the subtle nuances at play, in the art of 'logo-relevance', Steff
$1 trillion mineral deposits found in Afghanistan
You can bet they'll be used to improve the Afghans' horrendous living conditions... worst infant mortality rate, nearly 25%, vast majority of people without access to clean water..
Hmmmm, the Halliburton angle is conspiralitious indeed.
But I'll hold for a while, as there's too much finger pointing going on to tell if the dots were there to be connected, of if they've been connected for us.
Having said that, if you look on a map, Uncle Sam is never too far from where oil comes out and transits, and where poppies grow and transit.
Can't get those oil fields far away for a while, it may be easier to get those closer to home.
I can't shake the feeling that the financial crisis was wanted, and that economical warfare is at play more than ever.
Hmm, seems my Afghan link got broken. Meh, it's been all over the news wires lately anyway, go ahead and search...
It'll be interesting to see whether other drilling projects in the Gulf are allowed to continue.
Interesting post from Denis Rancourt, Some Big Lies of Science.
Very interesting chap, well respected scientist and activist.
Has anyone noticed how we are being suckered into thinking that environmental science is some sort of left right dialectic?
This is quite a recent phenomenon (I think) which appears to have arisen as some fallout (damage limitation) from the climategate spat (again, I think).
I can't fault anything Rancourt has to say in that link and, yes, as his title says, they are only some of the Big Fibs
The subject of how and why these lies come into being, are promoted and are accepted is one that fascinates me and underlies much of what has been written about and discussed in this blog
IMHO we are now definitely in a situation where the mainstream treatment of science is directly analagous to the status acccorded to organised religion a few centuries ago
Think about any component of oppressive, organised religion and you will find a direct contemporary scientific equivalent...
holy books, saints, heretics, prophecies, articles of faith, terrible consequences of disbelief, eternal punishment etc etc
and I'm not just talking about global warming, many other fields of contemporary science are thick with it
and, yes, the left-right paradigm bullshit is another example of a howling fib that is widely propasgated with little in the way of criticism
yes, there are such things as left and right wing sensibilities
but, as 13 years of nu labour government have rammed home, there's are also such things as libertarian and authoritarian sensibilities interacting with the left vs. right thing
personally, I'd take a right wing libertarian over a left wing authoritarian any day
one is much likely that the other to endorse a police state, support oligarchs and generally get in my face than the other
...and going back to the left-right environmental dialectic, things are a lot clearer if you draw up the battle lines along libertarian vs. authoritarian lines
the anti-AGW brigade is laden with right wing shits who have political beliefs that disgust me
but, there again, the pro-AGW brigade is laden with right wing shits who have political beliefs that disgust me
but at least the the anti-AGW crowd are *libertarian* right wing shits
that, and there's the small matter of the actual science being with them
Liberty vs. Authority
that's where the action is going to be over the coming years
and already has been over the last 10-15
Apparently only a centralised monolith like the current welfare system can fix poverty...like it has for the last er 60 years or so (read: greater inequality). I certainly don't remember getting much help from it when losing jobs in the past
I guess we're only poor if we live in mud huts without running water, electricity and with death rates like Iraq \ Afghanistan. The kind of extreme nonsense these statists come out with to justify the status quo disgusts me...
Osborne to give Bank more power
Chancellor George Osborne confirms he will give the Bank of England the key role in regulating the UK financial sector.
"IMHO we are now definitely in a situation where the mainstream treatment of science is directly analagous to the status acccorded to organised religion a few centuries ago "
I think that you'll find that Mr Justice Burton (secret conspiraloon) will agree with you if you read, Grainger v Nicholson. Here's a link to the Employment Law Blog which provides a link to a word document.
Half-way through we have,
"30. In my judgment, if a person can establish that he holds a philosophical belief which is based on science, as opposed, for example, to religion, then there is no reason to disqualify it from protection by the Regulations. The Employment Judge drew attention to the existence of empiricist philosophers, no doubt such as Hume and Locke. The best example, as it seems to me, which was canvassed during the course of the hearing, is by reference to the clash of two such philosophies, exemplified in the play Inherit the Wind, i.e. one not simply between those who supported Creationism and those who did not, but between those who positively supported, and wished to teach, only Creationism and those who positively supported, and wished to teach, only Darwinism. Darwinism must plainly be capable of being a philosophical belief, albeit that it may be based entirely on scientific conclusions (not all of which may be uncontroversial)."
A very interesting judgment IM(very)HO where Burton J gets it 99 percent right but falls down badly on that last 1 percent.
That aside, the point I wanted to make was the idea of treating a scientific belief as a philosophical (or religious) one.
"things are a lot clearer if you draw up the battle lines along libertarian vs. authoritarian lines,"
Or better,
Democrats vs. Republicans
Political Control: Shift from Vertical to Horizontal Duality
Which is explained in, "Symbolism of Control
I appreciate this article is from Dec 2009, but it does bring into stark contrast complaints about the jobless...
Bank bailout cost reaches £850 billion
Oil covering Pensacola Beach, FL. (June 23, 2010)
far out.
watching all those people in a line looking at the oil on the beach was kinda apocalyptic.
A conspiraloon obviously... Welcome to the family :)
Illuminate NWO card game - 1995. Wow. Conspiralicious :p
P.S. I think it was Gandalf not Saruman and the % ownership needs a wee tidy up. Nonetheless a good conspiraloon effort.
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