Large swathes of the UK are currently draped in an ever thickening blanket of snow
Apparently, the country has virtually ground to a standstill
Daily Express readers will no doubt blame the fact that lots of people can't get to work on eleven years of 'ZanuLabour' misrule.
The alternative point of view is that quite a few people are secretly just a tiny wee bit pleased that they don't have to go in to work today and didn't try that hard
Including, I fear, the people behind this website...
...which attempts to monitor how well our national electricity grid is holding up at any given point in time
Here's what things were looking like last night at about 10pm...

There was me watching the needle gradually drop lower and lower ...when the bogging site goes off line
When not sitting around waiting for the lights to go out, I'm also staring morbidly at the price of stuff going up, especially photographic equipment
I've been keeping an eye on the prices of a couple of lenses I was planning to pick up before heading off to the other side of the world and I've noticed a couple of things over the last few months...
- Suppliers, even the solvent ones, have been running out of stock because normal scheduled deliveries haven't been turning up. I'm guessing that's at least partly due to the much discussed collapse of the global shipping trade (I've had a dozen boxes sitting in a warehouse waiting to hitch a ride to the Antipodes for a month and a half)
- Thanks to the £ tanking, photographic manufacturers have started jacking up their prices; in Canon's case twice in a month, in Sigma's case only once, but by 40%
Camera gear is hardly one of Life's essentials but this doesn't bode well for the future pricing and availability of the slightly more essential
We're boned.
Milder and drier winter predicted
Thursday, 25 September 2008 12:48 UK
This winter will be milder than average and drier than last year in the UK, Met Office forecasters have predicted.
After a summer that saw high rainfall and the dullest August on record in terms of sunshine, the winter months will see relatively high temperatures.
That follows the trend of recent years, the Met Office said. Last winter saw an average temperature of 4.86C, compared to a long-term average of 3.7C..."
Politicized Feckin' Scientician C*nts
Meanwhile, how's that big flaming ball of gas that only has an incidental effect on mean global temperature doing...
yup, still zit free
I just bought me a Canon PowerShot A590 IS for 99€ss are they any good Stef?
I have been known to fork out a Euro or two more for a camera but it's got a good, stabilised lens and manual controls if you can ever be bothered
Five years ago a digital compact like that would have cost £400
and, the way the £ is going, it probably will again
Is it not possible to blog from your new abode??we´ll kinda miss the crack and insight links info etc?
That was me about the camera.Its on offer at Amazon(Germany).They keep sending emails with offers of greatly reduced Items,,the German government by the way are offering 2000€s to anyone who buys a new car and SCRAPS the old one!stimulate the economy an all that.
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The requested URL /grid.htm was not found on this server.
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Is it not possible to blog from your new abode??we´ll kinda miss the crack and insight links info etc?
hopefully, once I've settled down - it might take a while though
re. the camera
that's as good as you're going to get for that kind of money and what you get isn't bad at all
re. cars
Ford and GM hike car prices in UK
The £ has lost 30%+ of its value and our government is gearing up to start printing in earnest
There will be consequences
And, unlike the 1970s, it's very unlikely that wages will go up very much, if at all
Bender is wise
The requested URL /grid.htm was not found on this server.
My spooky psychic powers are telling me that the current state of the UK's immediate (i.e. tomorrow) energy reserves is far from jolly
Transport infrastructure has been shut down. Even stuff which could have kept running. People have been kept from work
Workers in the energy industry are taking the opportunity to put the boot in
Get the picture?
I don't think we're supposed to
Lord P's Super Spider Sense is also tingling
when I fixed my ticket out back in November I was cacking myself that by early February we'd either face...
a) some kind of catastrophic collapse of the retail banking system
b) a major energy crisis brought on by our atrocious infrastructure and my childish, naive faith in sunspots, or rather lack of sunspots as a general indicator of chilly times
For the last two months whenever the subject of my trip overseas came up with family and friends they have been consistently puzzled by me talking about it as if it were a possibility, not a certainty
I haven't elaborated as they think I'm potty enough already...
as i was saying over at Lord Patel's just a moment ago, things are looking a tad scary :S in a wouldn't it be REALLY strange if our freedom hating enemies once again attacked us just when we were looking like we might start fighting for said freedoms
...kind of way
The immediate concern I think, is not stroppy proles protesting about their jobs, but the distinct possibility, if this weather carries on for more than a few days, of the lights going out
Preparations are being made, quietly
more from Lord P. here
plus me hurling even more abuse at those politicized douches at the Met Office by way of comment
California, the eighth largest economy in the world, is broke. "People are going to be hurt starting today," said Hallye Jordan, speaking on behalf of the state Controller. "There's no money." Since state legislators failed to meet an end of January deadline on an agreement to make up for California's $40 billion budget gap, residents won't be getting their state tax rebates, scholarships to Cal Grant college will go unpaid, vendors invoices will remain uncollected and county social services will cease.
Apparently it means we're lazy if we didn't attempt to go to work today, and British construction workers deserve to lose their jobs to lower paid European counterparts. When I tried to argue against this logic, I was told that because Brits have left to work elsewhere in the EU we should let in more "hard-working immigrants".
I meant yesterday*
Might be of interest -
BBC abandons 'impartiality' on (global) warming
They use the words "raising temperature" when referring to protests in Europe too.
According to News 24 tonight, fresh snow is causing further disruption and casualties in the UK...
It seems to me there must be a flaw.
Global warming
Warm snow ?
Warm snow ? = water, in which polar bears drown, being unable to evolve into plankton muching whales fast enough
It was thank you
Though I was unaware that the BBC ever pretended to be impartial on this subject in the first place
Ask David Bellamy
F*&*%@$ B$%£&*%!!
Whatever you do, don't eat the yellow snow.
Keep calm and carry on!
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