Just a few words of explanation as to why this blog has gone quiet of late...
- I’ve finally, after much delay, relocated outside of the UK
- I’m currently training to do something for a living that will comfort me with the thought that I least tried to do something decent with my short time on this Earth
- The training is on the intense side
- I am fucking knackered
- Way too knackered to maintain this blog for the time being
A shame because I’ve really enjoyed and learned from (most of) the comments and links people have left here
And also because the very sorely-missed Lord Patel expressed a wish that I could somehow keep the spirit of his own blog going
Not that I’ve given up on that possibility. I’ve just shelved it for a bit
One very heartening thing that I’ve noted over the last few months is just how so many people I’ve met in ordinary day to day life down here in NZ are, how can I put it?, um, total fucking loons
Global Warming, Swine Flu, the Banksters’ coup d’etat...
You name it, I’ve had people, people who don’t know my own predilections, volunteer completely conspiratorial opinions as to what’s really going on
And, almost without exception, those opinions make no reference to space aliens, ancient Mayan Prophecies or race hate
Just a perfectly healthy, and totally rational, belief that They are fucking Us in an increasingly overt way
As it happens, if you do get out and about a bit and take a peek outside of the US-UK promoted Official Narrative of what’s going on in the world, you will discover that most of the rest of that world is rife with conspiraloonacy
I’ve been fortunate enough to spend a little time in Latin America and the Former Soviet Union and many people I've met in those parts of the world totally get the Conspiraloon thing. If you play your cards right, don't laugh in their face, or turn out to be the ignorant, Anglo-centric cunt they expect you to be, they sometimes even buy you a drink
There are many potential explanations to account for this but my guess is that this has probably got something to do with the fact that Latin America, the FSU and many other parts of the world were, in living memory, fucked six ways from Sunday by lying, thieving, murdering oligarchical bastards
People in the US and the UK haven’t been fucked quite so comprehensively by lying, thieving, murdering oligarchical bastards
Well, not yet
Not in living memory anyway
So, yes, I recommend getting out more. Way, way out
Thanks to all who have visited here and who have left words of support, amusement and (possible) enlightenment. I’m not putting this blog on ice as such but it might be a fair old while before normal service is resumed
"I’ve finally, after much delay, relocated outside of the UK"
"I’m currently training to do something for a living that will comfort me with the thought that I least tried to do something decent with my short time on this Earth"
Any clues as to what this decent something is? Any vacancies?
Do they get funnel-web spiders down your way, or are they just restricted to Oz?
Good luck in your endeavours. Delighted to hear that conspiraloonery is alive and well in the southern hemisphere (it feels like a hemispherical thing, doesn't it?)
Any clues as to what this decent something is? Any vacancies?
No. Yes
No lethal spiders. No snakes. Not much in the way of carniverous beasts any larger than hedgehogs...
Definitely a hemispherical thing
Delighted to hear that conspiraloonery is alive and well in the southern hemisphere
A quote from the lady who cut my a hair a couple of weeks' back...
'They almost had me believing that They really did land on the Moon but then they said they lost the tapes and I was away again'
Cross my heart, I didn't start that conversation, honest
Loon mandings? They've got me doubting it now. As to faking them, cui bono?
Does the person who utters "cui bono?" end up being the cui in question?
If your intensive training is the hunting down and elimination of GMOs from NeZ (is there a short pronounceable equivalent of 'Oz' for NZ), good for you!
Orrabest, Stef, if you get back onto things let me know.
I put the moon landings in the same category as St Brendan's journey to America from Ireland.
How come we can put cameras on spy satellites that can read a number plate from orbit through atmospheric interference ....
But cameras on lunar probes (with no atmosphere to penetrate and can orbit closer to the surface) can only manage metres/pixel resolution (making the supposed lunar lander a 9 pixel blob of colour that a monkey could photoshop in). When, if we were REALLY trying, we could image the individual grains of dust on the surface?
They almost had me believing that They really did land on the Moon but then that piece of moon rock turned out to be a lump of wood and I was away again
"If you play your cards right, don't laugh in their face, or turn out to be the ignorant, Anglo-centric cunt they expect you to be, they sometimes even buy you a drink"
so racism does cut both ways, after all?
if you're one of those slippery fuckers who attempts to confuse the actions of governments and ruling establishments with race, very possibly
oh yes governments and ruling establishments bla, bla, fucking bla... just fuck off stef and don't come back you boring twat.
Good on you Stef.
You take care.
Just looking at the comments on this article, suggests some more zombies are beginning to snap out of the dream...
....Anglo-centric cunt(s)...
Presumably this would apply to simple, straightforward unvarnished cunts (whether Anglo-centric or otherwise) too?
Ciao, Stef
a) good for you
b) same where I am: nobody believes any official account of anything, ever
c) don't stay away too long
d) Ed Teague and I, we need you to fill the space where once he was
e) I miss him: don't make me miss you too.
x B
"comfort me with the thought that I least tried to do something decent"
That's the spirit! Good to see you on form Stef :)
no posts on this blog for weeks on end and then you turn up a few hours after I get round to making one to post one of your hallmark half-arsed non sequiturs
boring twat I may or may not be but you appear to be well mad for it
and I'll make my own decision as to when to fuck off from my own blog when I'm good n ready
kudos for your consistency and tenacity though
@everyone else
as far as I can tell, exceptionalism is not race specific but a few countries in particular have cornered the market in recent years
nice to hear from you stef.
All the best.
More plane terror plots 'likely'
(L to R) Tanvir Hussain, Abdulla Ahmed Ali and Assad Sarwar were found guilty
Al-Qaeda is likely to try again to use aircraft to attack the West, Whitehall officials have told the BBC.
Security correspondent Frank Gardner said they believed the airline bomb plot was part of al-Qaeda's "obsession" with using commercial airliners.
hahahaahabooga booga!
More plane terror plots 'likely'
(L to R) Tanvir Hussain, Abdulla Ahmed Ali and Assad Sarwar were found guilty
Al-Qaeda is likely to try again to use aircraft to attack the West, Whitehall officials have told the BBC.
Security correspondent Frank Gardner said they believed the airline bomb plot was part of al-Qaeda's "obsession" with using commercial airliners.
Yeah, all the best Stef.
Now you've finally moved, gonna miss the chance of bumping into you on that previously less-than-frequent basis.
Oh, btw, watched Eagle vs Shark the other day... so - taken at face value - I can see how odd things might be for old Londoner.
Bless ya.
1st: Stef please return soon!
2nd: Frank Gardiner is a piece of scum (and I suspect he probably knows it) - Wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if the leech spendt his days assemblying patsy's like he did in Saudi occupied Arabia, sorry when we was 'investigationg' the Khobar towers bombings.
I find it difficult to listen to the BBC these days,,it is now so obviously the black propaganda wing of the government,,,I´m lost for words.How those fuckers can work there I´ll never know.They are full of fuckin shit.The lot of them.24 hrs of total fuckin shit a day.The organization should be raised to the ground.It´s a blot on the moral landscape.
meanwhile over at
(No time, must campaign against the Afghan war)
Thanks for the link. As Stef mentined a couple of times previously, the comments are just as if not more interesting. The Teleg article wasn't an exeption.
Perhpas the world (inc NZ) is now full of loons?, but it's not getting us anywhere. Why? largely because we still keep our fingers in the NWO pie: fait currency, votng for a different mask over the samecrap...
Loons need to move up to the next stage. Collapse these fraudulent 'money' systems. Pull your money out of them. If you can, buy silver and gold and learn to trade outside the govt's dirty little sphere of control.
Although, perhaps it's too late?
Good to see you back, if only briefly.
Good luck with your new endeavour.
While you been away I been reading stuff from this guy.
He is an uberloon of the first water, and has a wonderful way of expressing himself.
Hope you enjoy.
PS LWTC - re Beethoven - that was me ;-)
tips hat to: Elmer Quigley Gooseburger.
If I may be so cheeky as to do this...
USan takes first & hopefully catalysing step, onto that next stage...
"While you been away I been reading stuff from this guy.
He is an uberloon of the first water, and has a wonderful way of expressing himself."
Thats Les Visible.He´s been blogging for years.He´s a good writer.Unorthodox but spot on most of the time
great silly walk.
I meant fuck off from my country, but seeing as we tolerate all sorts of crackpot subversive views (and even crimes against the Official photography narrative) in this brutal Orwellian nightmare we have been conditioned into calling 'democracy', you're welcome back for some more any time. But why bother with all us sheep when you can get stuck in to so many back home?
definitely a hemispherical thing
A big thanks from all of us here in the Northern Hemisphere for your valued observations over the years.
definitely a hemispherical thing
No it's not
It could be an African thing!
Where does that leave us?
Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets
Do your bit to safeguard our Sacred Security and Freedoms and have a chance of winning VALUABLE CASH PRIZES!!
Go on, and good luck.
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