Saturday, January 08, 2005

Not exactly Jude Law's biggest fan ...

The Americans get Brad Pitt and Se7en and Kalifornia and Fight Club. We get Jude Law and AI and Gattaca and Enemy at the Gates. It's not fair.
What can be worse than being forced to sit through a movie by your other 1/2 solely because it features a pretty boy. There's nothing wrong with pretty boys in movies per se, provided they also come equiped with personality; Johnny Depp, yes, Brad Pitt, yes, Russell Crowe, yes, Keanu, not too sure, Rupert Everett, no, Jude Law, no.
Anyway, I came across this story earlier in the week. It's about Jude Law getting married again (sorry girls). Now, anyone reading my earlier posts will know that I'm not making light of the recent tsunami but I read this extract and smiled; partly because I'm not a fan of Jude and partly because I wonder if the berk at the BBC realised what he was typing ...
"He asked Sienna to marry him on Christmas Day. They spent Christmas together in England. They then headed to the Indian Ocean. They have told their families the news and they're thrilled, as are Jude's children."

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