One of the staple cliches of on-line conspiranoids is to make constant allusion to the 'false left-right paradigm' and to refer to left and right wing politics as being 'two wings of the same bird'
Now, as it happens, I agree that mainstream politics are frequently manipulated into two horse races where both horses have the same owner
I also agree that the left-right paradigm is a restrictive, 'two dimensional' representation of the possible spectrum of political viewpoints. The political bird in question also has a head (libertarian) and an arse (authoritarian) - and several other appendages that could be pressed into methaphorical service, but not in this post
By bringing the additional libertarian-authoritarian axis into your simple left-right political paradigm it becomes possible to shed light on all sorts of otherwise difficult to explain behaviour...
- Why Hitler and Stalin got on so well, for a while anyway
- Why on certain issues such as personal freedoms or overseas wars, libertarian right wingers can sound a lot less bloodthirsty than left wingers with an authoritarian streak
- How it is possible for a certain type of young 'Marxist' (sic.) to effortlessly become a middle-aged Neocon, or Melanie Phillips
If you are the kind of person who enjoys petty power and telling people what to do you would probably fit just as well into a 'hard' left as a 'hard' right regime. If you do not like giving or taking orders you are going to have real issues living under a paternalistic regime, however benign
Having said all that, simplistic as the left-right paradigm may be it is not a false paradigm
There are such things as left and right wing sensibilities and one of the falsest paradigms out there on the Interweb is the assertion that left wing ideologies are entirely a fabrication of the Illuminati Jew Bankers, created to destroy the transcendental beauty that is Christian Free Market Capitalism
Oh hum, where do you start?
- You could point out that the Christ depicted in the New Testament is not what you would call a raving free market capitalist
- You could explain that the vast majority of workers in free market nirvanas such as Victorian England didn't exactly have much scope to savour the joys of all those capitalistic opportunities and freedoms, on account of being too poor and dying prematurely from a variety of exciting lung diseases
- Or you could simply suggest that anyone who dismisses compassion for and empathy with fellow humans as being nothing more than the product of Zionist mind control is probably in dire need of a hug
Without going into the ins and outs of who allegedly funded and promoted which political group, which writer or which revolution, plain common sense and a little knowledge of history, should tell you that the quest for fairness, compassion and empathy goes back a long way and is not some 19th century cabalistic invention conjured up out of the ether by Marx

The really bizarre thing is that of the plethora of conspiratorial websites and personalities out there the great majority are anti left-wing and pro capitalism*. Somehow socialism gets discounted as a capitalist plot but capitalism does not
Which, from an evil, plutocratic overlord's point of view is a bit of a result, and exactly the manner in which you would like to see your opposition behaving
* = That would be a special kind of never yet seen magic capitalism which does not rely on banks and does not result in dangerous concentrations of dynastic wealth and power
Anyway, all of the above was merely a preamble to this short clip of Alex Jones explaining what true political insight is really all about. It is not about false paradigms and birds' wings. It is about elves, clockwork elves...
PS And if anyone who has bothered to read my latest spate of posts detects a certain confrontational tone being directed towards conspiracy theorists as well as official narratives they might well be onto something. It could be that I am either a) a Zionist keyboard monkey basking in a shower of Jew Gold, or b) a contrarian scrotum who is bored of reading the same old lazy-arsed, confirmation bias-riddled BS on conspiratorial sites and which is rapidly achieving the status of unquestionable orthodoxy. Fuck that