Which I regret, as all sorts of interesting things are happening
Not least this breaking news from The Independent yesterday that...
"Spin doctor behind Davis's campaign promotes ID cards"; Spin doctor behind Davis's campaign promotes ID cards"

My regular reader and Lord Patel's more extensive subscribership might possibly notice one or two slight parallels with posts written by myself and Lord P. a fortnight ago
The Independent credits not one but two journalists with the scoop - one presumably to type the search strings into Google and the other to cut and paste the results into their employer's newspaper
It's worth comparing the last line in yesterday's Independent story...
"Yesterday, Mr Davis told The IoS: "Mr Bell is an old friend. He did initially help set up my website for the present campaign, for which payment will be made and declared in due course." Mr Bell did not respond."
with the Bell quote in the PR Week story which was published shortly after myself and Lord P's posts...
"The website will support Davis' by-election fight following his high-profile resignation from the Conservative Party front bench last week. F-H regional president Kevin Bell said the agency's digital team had been involved in website design, adding that he has known Davis for 20 years. Bell said he would not rule out providing further PR support should Davis need it."
So apparently, Davis is implying that his old friend Bell's involvement stopped at the initial web site registration and design stage, Mr Bell something different
and to the couple of people who suggested to me that any large PR agency is probably going to have a diverse range of clients with contradictory interests and therefore Davis employing F-H is no big deal - can I just remind them that Davis didn't pick F-H because it was a large successful agency. Davis selected it because of Bell.
This stinks to high heaven and, speaking personally, turned me off Davis' campaign as soon as I identified the connection
Still, looking on the bright side, David Icke might be standing against David Davis.
Now if only David Shayler could be persuaded to stand as well, people would have a REAL democratic choice of Messianic Davids to save them from the Shadowy Overlords