That would be the same Bilderberg Group MP Norman Baker (when not banging away at the David Kelly thing) keeps pestering other elected representatives of the people, including Gordon Brnwo, with questions about whether they've attended or not - to be met with such helpful answers as...
"Treasury Ministers and officials have meetings with a wide range of organisations and individuals in the public and private sectors as part of the process of policy development and delivery. As was the case with previous Administrations, it is not the Government’s practice to provide details of all such meetings."
A simple 'yes, Gordon's mad for it' would have sufficed
I'm just fucked off that they forgot my invite this year. Again...
But that's not important right now. What did tickle me, given the subject of a post I wrote earlier this week, was seeing a picture of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Istanbul...

Ooops, sorry wrong picture...

Ooops again, how could I be getting these photographs all mixed up? Here's the correct picture - The Ritz Carlton Hotel Istanbul...

Well, it was just a thought
Reading down that Bilderberg list again, I notice Mark Warner of Mark Warner holiday camps is there. The bizarre furrin junketing, meejawhoring and escape from police questioning for the McCanns is so odd. Bet there's no connection.
See, you've got me going now, except that I've always thought there were powerful nutters in charge.
I suspect that we're talking about the other Mark Warner (ex Gov. Virginia) here
The Mark Warner you're talking about and the Maddiening crowd / media pack would be more comfortable at somewhere like Sun Valley next month...
and, yes, powerful nutters are in charge
oToH the George Osborne on the list is the George Osborne. I think it's great how people from opposing political parties can get together in secret in hotels abroad so that they can discuss, er, whatever it is they discuss
I also think it's great how the Bilderberg organisers can spot new talent and invite people like Clinton and Blair along before they've even been nominated to lead their political parties, let alone their countries
Going back to the 'Maddie' thing for a moment, it is profoundly strange.
I haven't blogged about it or spoken with people very much because personally I can't make head nor tail of it
It could simply be that a lot of people have gone a bit mental
... though I bet the people at the Tavistock Institute know what's going on ;)
Honestly, can't a few like minded and powerful people get together in an opulent, well secured location without you thinking the worst?
After all they know how society works
too funny...
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