- One of my chums had just returned from a few days in Croatia and confirmed that, yes, Find Madeleine posters were all over the bus stops there, in English of course. He didn't take any photographs though :(
- Another mentioned how bemused he had been to see a longish and, to his mind, totally pointless Find Madeleine video played before the start of the England v Brazil friendly at Wembley a few weeks ago
- Another had just got back from the Philippines and confessed that she hadn’t seen any material there
As for me, since I wrote a post about the Madeleine thing a few days ago, virtually everywhere I look now I’m seeing Maddie-related material that I hadn’t noticed before

I’ve started noticing it because, of course, I’m now sensitised to it. What had previously been subliminal is now visible

In fact, I’ve gone way beyond simply seeing all the explicit material that’s out there and I’ve started seeing what may be implicit connections with the Find Madeleine campaign

Take a post I wrote about A Clockwork Orange a few days ago…

Are the parallels between a film about mass mind control, featuring a hero with a decorated right eye and a bizarrely overblown, creepy campaign about a missing little girl with a peculiar right eye meaningful in any way?
I’m buggered if I know
And that’s the challenge facing those of us who suspect that a little more may be going on in the world than we are led to believe. Any account or explanation for an event is essentially a series of links between a series of facts, observations and conclusions. It’s easy enough to demonstrate that many mainstream media narratives are based on suspect links to suspect facts, observations and conclusions but if you apply the same strict criteria to most alternative accounts they don’t stand up too well either.
Which is why, even though I take inordinate pleasure out of seeking anomalies in mainstream narratives, I’m too much of a wimp to ever stand behind alternative explanations – maybe I should hand in my membership of the Conspiraloon™ Alliance and form my own breakaway Conspirapussy™ Alliance
And now comes the real reason for this post…
Thanks to DE for making me aware of the magnificent obsession that is the…
A veritable treasure trove of links to Masonic and occult symbolism in TV shows such as Family Guy, The Simpsons and Spongebob Squarepants. Like DE I am not too sure just how serious the mind behind Post-Modern research is but it’s damned entertaining (if you like that sort of thing) whatever their intention is. The article entitled ‘The Simpsons, saturated with Freemasonic messages!’ is a triumph

But that is but nothing compared to my next link…
A piece of work that is virtually impossible to describe without accompanying hand gestures. Suffice to say that it is the most perfect example of the kind of Internet Conspiracy Theory video that leaves those of us concerned about the crimes of the rich and powerful shaking their heads with dismay, as evidence of those very earthly crimes gets mixed up with everything from Biblical Prophecy to Alien Space Lizards...

On the other hand, it is bloody funny. But only if the spectacle of someone connecting 9/11, Freemasons, the Great Pyramid, Alastair Crowley, Sacred Orbs. My Pet Goat, the god Pan, The Simpsons (them again), Fight Club, Alien Intelligences and The Wizard of Oz makes you laugh...

What was that I was saying about making peculiar links between things…
If you do watch it and if it starts to get too much after the first minute or so (highly likely), may I recommend fast forwarding to 8:47 when they narrator utters the immortal line ‘Now things get a little weird’. That’s by far and away the best bit…
If anyone that watched the 9/11 Stargate video had to wait until 8m47s for the ‘Now things get a little weird’ idea to register in their minds, it's time to seek help.
Why am I left feeling that this SHOULD be ridiculous but somehow isn't?
Troubling isn't it
... the seamless transition from the Kaba in Mecca to a clip of Homer Simpson is a masterstroke
notice the "coup-on" in the corner of Lisas magazine..
Homer is in the tower looking for a loo-because he drank gallons of crab juice-thus providing a fishy conspiraloon link that should make John Doy bream with pride.
and the three pyramids poking out from the sides of the magazine are so obvious there's virtually no point in mentioning them...
anyone notice that postmodern research is dead? very strange...
yes I had as it happens
there was me looking for the latest update on the insidiuous influence of Freemasonry on prime time cartoon shows only to be greeted by a most peculiar message...
The passport of Neo ("The Matrix") expires on 9/11/01?
As I don't do research, could someone verify this?
Synchronmystical connections?
And, how many Stargates are there in the UK? I know of two:-
West Yorkshire, UK
and Stargate in Ryton.
As to whether or not there is a Stargate at these locations???
it's in the imdb so it must be true
Youtube too
this is still my favourite though
And, how many Stargates are there in the UK? I know of two:-
I'm not sure if it's a stargate but my favourite UK megalithic structure does have a certain pyramidy taste to its floorplan...
Thornborough 1
Thornborough 2
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