Well, many of us were expecting something in June/ July. The rhetoric our government and newspapers have been coming out with over the last couple of months made the probability pretty clear
On the bright side nobody appears to have been hurt. On the not so bright side there are plenty of shady characters who'll be creaming themselves today, including our lovely shiny new PM. No doubt he will be horrified at today's near miss but also just a teensy weensy bit pleased that he is being presented with an opportunity to demonstrate his Churchillian qualities so early in his premiereship
And no, just because I'm one of those conspiraloons who has doubts about 9/11, 7/7 and 'Al Qaeda', that doesn't mean I deny the possibility that there are loser-fanatics out there capable of contemplating terrorist attacks, particularly crap ones. So I'm not going to start crowing that this is some kind of staged, false-flag operation. The timing is bloody convenient though
It looks like there's going to be tons of physical evidence and live terrorists/ patsies - the next few days and weeks are going to be, er, interesting...
(It's worth bearing in mind that there's still debate about whether the Nazis were actually behind the Reichstag Fire or whether they took opportunistic advantage of an incident they had no direct hand in. It didn't actually matter very much. Whether they were responsible for the fire or not, they were still Nazis and they still milked the incident for everything it was worth)
Another staggeringly incompetent attack at glasgow airport. What on earth were they trying to do?
I want to see the page in the Al Qaeda Terror Training manual that tells budding jihadists the best way to set off a car bomb is to ram it into something, stagger out of the car and then throw a molotov cocktail at yourself
Planes - Tick
Trains - Tick
Cars - Tick
Shoes - Tick
It's getting to a point where traveling by bike or pogo stick is going to be the only viable way to get from A to B without being fingerprinted or subject to an x-ray scan
"We asked for Arabic literature on the passenger seat, a map of Whitehall with big red crosses on it and a huge controlled explosion on live television. Someone will be getting their backside felt for this."
So they've come up with a fire at Glasgow aiport instead.
Oh, and while we're on the subject of illegally parked cars in London, it might be worth mentioning that it happened in the middle of, er, a film set:
London, June 29: London had a very lucky escape today when a car bomb, which could have killed and maimed hundreds around Piccadilly Circus — a favourite haunt of Indians — was defused in the nick of time.
What was also ironic was the dramatic manner in which art has imitated life, Indian filmmakers said.
Filming of a Bollywood movie on Islamic terrorism was disrupted after Scotland Yard officers were summoned to dismantle the massive car bomb outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub in the Haymarket, causing severe dislocation of the capital’s traffic.
German interior minister warned: "There will be a attack in Germany, if new police laws are not passed."
That is, the current interior minister.
@tony - well, it's better than the UK. Our police and home office (interior) ministers are telling us that we will continue to be attacked even if we do pass new laws...
He's right, painfully so. 9/11/2001, Pentagon. Where is the Boeing 757-sized hole? In fact, where is the Boeing 757? - http://i12.tinypic.com/6c7rm6t.jpg
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