Nearly four years after the 7/7 bombing, England's worst terrorist atrocity, The Conspiracy Files investigates the conspiracy theories flourishing on the internet.
There have been three official reports into the bombings on 7th July 2005, which claimed the lives of 56 people and injured 784 others.
The programme sees how conspiracy theories suggest four British Muslims were framed by the government, play on the fears of the Muslim community and spread a highly divisive and damaging message.
The Conspiracy Files: 7/7 examines the evidence in an attempt to separate fact from fiction.
Produced and Directed by Tristan Quinn
Series Producer: Mike Rudin
Tuesday, 30 June, 2009
2100 BST, BBC Two
And, by some astonishing cosmic coincidence, this broadcast coincides with the formal launch of 'Terror on the Tube'; as cut and paste from the J7 website without permission and mixed-up with some manure by 'leading' 7/7 researcher, part-time crop circle aficianado and full-time holocaust denier Dr Nick Kollerstrom...

Fancy that
I've flicked through Dr Nick's book and it's shit
As I'm in new Zealand, I won't be able to watch the Conspiracy Files mockumentary straight away, but I'll wager a crisp fiver that's going to be shit too
and wilfully dishonest shit at that
The J7 Forum stuck its fingers up at the Conspiracy Files production team long ago. Nor has it anything to do with Nick Kollerstrom, David Shayler or that bloke with the sack of gold coins who claims to be Jesus - not that these spooky, mentalist fuckers haven't tried to imply an association. Oh yes, oh yes they have
Aside from the fact that the State still hasn't proved its Official Narrative of what happened on 7/7, it is cross-media black propaganda bullcrap like this - attempting to conflate honest, rational people who have serious questions about 7/7 with nutcases who already have all the answers - which convinces me that it's right to doubt
I fully expect that the BBC program will not represent the views of those of us out there who do not pretend to know what happened on 7/7 but have strong doubts about the veracity of the Official Narrative. The program will not concentrate on the flaws in the Official 7/7 Narrative but will demolish a few hand-selected nonsense alternative narratives instead
This will be done wilfully, deliberately and in cold blood
Which, if that turns out to be the case, would mean that the BBC would be complicit in covering up 52, maybe 56, murders
Which would be a serious crime wouldn't it?
edit: The J7 forum's collective thoughts on the impending BBC documentary here...

Whoever was behind 7/7, I'll be forever pissed off that they chose my birthday to run their campaign. Cheeky fuckers.
Yes and I'm none too chuffed that 11.9 was within a day of my own.
wv: synyc
No surprises there. The promises to J7 about not associating Kollerstrom with July 7th researchers were hollow.
I can actually understand those who believe they have all the answers, given the prolific lies of the state(but dun't mean I agree with them). However a serious concern of mine is regarding those who don't ask all the questions!
I think you're right: this BBC crap won't change a thing (in favout of the truth coming out) and mixing it in with someone who takes something like judicial-inc.biz as gospel viz-a-viz swimming pools etc is 'tragic'.
However it's equally 'tragic' to dismiss David Cole and perhaps the Fred Leuchter angle. Note: I've never read enough on Leuchter to form a hardened opinion.
There seems to be a number of disinfo traps abt 9-11 and 7/7, You know... mix a liddle bidda truth with a liddle bidda lies, point out the lies then the truth gets buried.
I think it's pretty clear which side is more prolific in all that, and it ccertainly aint the side that talked about Jewish skin lampshades and Jewish fat soap.
Didn't you predictet there would be synchronicity of the BBC and other 7/7 releases Stef?
I thought this sack of horsehit had already been broadcast, Why the massive delay? Was it perchance because no sensible person would agree to take part?
the only holocaust denial I'm personally interested is the denial of all the other holocausts and genocides which have happened, and are happening, in favour of just one
Finkelstein has nailed that side of things pretty well
and yes, as predicted here and elsewhere, the BBC production does appear to be part of a synchronised gameplan - Dr Nick's antics being just one part of a larger whole
"I thought this sack of horsehit had already been broadcast, Why the massive delay?"
an interesting question, particularly if you've read something like 'Flat Earth News' which explains that the resources simply aren't available for mainstream journalists to carry out serious, in-depth investigative journalism any more
Two years plus in the making
It must really be something special
Hi Stef
Ahh to see Postie smiling on your blog, miss him badly.
Thanks for another great 7/7 post, we've put up our thoughts on the J7 blog:
BBC2 Conspiracy Files and the Official Conspiracy Theory
and just to be 100% crystal clear here
Dr Nick has lifted large chunks of material verbatim from the J7 website without permission
Not just factual information but commentary and analysis, word for word
He has also, if I recall correctly, been caught out handing out fliers, which have incorporated the J7 website logo on them without permission, at public meetings
And your starter question for ten points is 'Why would someone do something like that?'
The guy's a total douche
Every time I crank up the internet I'm reminded how much I miss the old sod :(
"I would hazard a guess that the argument will run something like this.....
Another deeply worrying trend is the links between conspiracy theorists and the far right (cut to picture of NK smiling with leading holocaust denier Lady whatsherface). Leading July 7 activist NK provoked a storm of protest last year when he published his theories on the holocaust including his claim that no jews were gassed in the holocaust and that the nazi death camps were actually holiday camps where inmates sunbathed and took art classes. This led to the LSE to public denounce Dr Kollerstrom and his views
Cut to a bumbling interview with lots of dodgy camera work and lighting where a dishevelled NK attempts to explain his views.
Anti-semitic conspiracy theories have led to a dramatic rise in antisemitism and led to calls from some for the internet to be more tightly regulated to prevent the promotion of hatred.
Cut to interview about the internet and freedom of speech and how in these dangerous times there have to be limits.........
Conspiracy theorists (lumping us all together as if we all think alike) claim that July 7 was the work of MOSSAD. Despite strenuous denials from Israel, they claim this supports their beliefs that a Jewish cabal runs the world.
Cut to tearful story about antisemtic attacks and the rise of the BNP followed possibly by an emotional interview with Rachel N where she recounts how CTs on the internet attacked her and called her vile names because her husband is Jewish.
Show that the tube station exercise statistics (quoted by NK, Alex Jones and others) are just bad maths.
Chuck in Maud Dib, his 'anti-semitic message'. Focus on Canary Wharf theories. Get a few witnesses to say nothing extraordinary happened there.
Cut to an interview with DS, our other favourite messiah and speculate as to whether messiah complexes are particularly prevalent amongt CTers
Cue some bad psychology on how we are a cult, needing to believe these ridiculous theories to make us feel important and to find a 'simple explanations' to complex problems. Pray on the weak and feeble minded
etc etc..................
Studiously ignore the hard, difficult evidence. Ignore J7, Ludicrous Diversion and Nafeez's book.
I think you get the idea by now. I predict this will be the BBC's biggest hatchet job yet. I only hope the public will be able to see through the propaganda but I'm not holding my breath"
"The guy's a total douche" - LOL. With coke or pepsi? I shudder to think.
Re: Permission to carry J7T logo's? I never formally asked to stick one on my blog, but I would hope there is a difference in palatability between me doing so against Mr.K.
Is point not that he did it, nor that he may have Xeroxed J7T compositions, but that it may have been an attempt to represent himself as J7T, without disclaimer, for reasons many of us probably suspect.
Applying the disinfo spell to MK, I think nobody in receipt of "info" should discount it just 'cos it's from NK. Like DIcke, DS, Jim Fetzer, Dune dude, etc. It's just a matter of flicking on "The Lobbox Switch" (TLS).
Any scepticism of things official which may yield ‘initial and undue attention’ given to the highly unorthodox elements of what aforementioned people say, should soon wear thin once reality comes back on-line, and eventually TLS will be self automating. I've never seen a better way of dealing with such circumstances.
Woolies pic ‘n mix would be proud. Hey. My rriend says Woolworths still exist in NZ.
yes it does
but not as We know it
@stef said, "I fully expect that the BBC program will not represent the views of those of us out there who do not pretend to know what happened on 7/7 but" ...
... instead they will peddle the view put forth by the BNP and others (eg the UK gov).
@stef "the only holocaust denial I'm personally interested is the denial of all the other holocausts and genocides which have happened, and are happening, in favour of just one"
This is particularly interesting from a law-bore / historical perspective.
The chap (Raphael Lemkin) who coined the term genocide and bore idea of genocide as an international crime did so on the basis of his understanding of the Armenian Genocide.
Given the fact that the UK is headed into the toilet economically, people are more likely to be worried about their homes and jobs...
@ LWTC247 "Re: Permission to carry J7T logo's? I never formally asked to stick one on my blog, but I would hope there is a difference in palatability between me doing so against Mr.K."
We have no problem with people carrying the J7 website logo & link on their blogs, we make it available on our downloads page for precisely this purpose.
Producing leaflets & handouts that we have no knowledge of with the J7 logo on (which is what Tony Gosling & Nick Kollerstrom were caught doing) is another matter.
"people are more likely to be worried about their homes and jobs..."
wot? like this?
No no.
Perhaps Anti NWO means this?
Haha. Maybe I should join those squatters..
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