I'll do the short version and maybe tidy it up later...
A year or so ago a 7/7 'Truth Video' called 7/7 Ripple Effect started appearing on all the usual Conspiraloon internet outlets
I hated it
Whilst it incorporated some solid research into the many weaknesses in the official 7/7 narrative, much of it apparently lifted from J7T, the film also included what I believed to be unsubstantiated speculation presented as fact
I didn't find myself liking the film any more when I discovered that the person behind it was a character who calls himself Muad'dib and who proclaims himself to be the Messiah ...and the Rightful King of England and Israel
Oh dear, yet another White Man with a God Complex

My concerns about 7/7 Ripple Effect turned to outright horror when I heard that Muad'dib was contacting 7/7 researchers and asking them to join in with him in a campaign to send his video to grieving relatives of 7/7 victims
Coincidentally, I also heard that the BBC Production team working on a 'documentary' on 7/7 Conspiracy Theorists was talking with Muad'dib, along with a denier of the Jewish holocaust called Nick Kollestrom.
The fact that wannabee Christ 2.0 Muad'dib had appeared on the 7/7 research scene about five minutes before talking with the BBC was, of course, in no way suspicious
To cut a long story short, everyone who I personally rate in the field of active 7/7 scepticism stuck a finger up to the BBC, Muad'dib and his dodgy little film
All went quiet
Well, I'll cut and paste the post I just put up on the Conspiraloon Alliance blog (J.A. Hill = Muad'dib)...
Muad'dib Update!!

"Gardai probe mail sent to extradition judges in J.A.H. Case
Dearbhail McDonald
Irish Independent
Sat, 11 Apr 2009 08:35 UTC
Gardai are investigating a series of packages sent to two Irish judges who have dealt with the case of an Englishman fighting extradition to Britain for posting DVDs to a British judge and jury.
The DVD, entitled '7/7 Ripple Effect' claims the 7/7 bombings in London were "an inside job".
High Court judge Mr Justice Michael Peart alerted the authorities after he received seven packages since March 19 last, some of which contained a DVD indicating that they related to the case of Sheffield born Anthony John Hill.
Mr Hill (60) is wanted to stand trial in the United Kingdom for perverting the course of public justice during a criminal trial relating to the 2005 attacks which killed 52 commuters, four suicide bombers and injured 700 others. If convicted Mr Hill, who claims he is the leader of a church known as The Way, faces up to life in prison.
The packages, which were unopened by Judge Peart, were posted from Finland, the US and Qatar. Another judge, who also dealt with Mr Hill's case following his arrest in Ireland on February 10, also received similar material by post.
Judge Peart, who last week ruled that Mr Hill should be extradited to Britain, said in his judgment that he wanted to express his disapproval of the actions of those who sought to send him material in the strongest possible terms and said it was "clearly an attempt" to influence his decision.
Mr Hill is currently in custody in an Irish prison and may appeal his extradition.
The DVDs, copies of which were also sent to five relatives of the victims, were intercepted by officials at Kingston Crown Court during the trial last year of people involved of assisting the 2005 bombings.
The film, widely available on the internet, blames the UK government and security services for the explosions in central London on July 7 2005. The filmmakers say the 7/7 bombers were innocent individuals who were duped into participating in what they thought was a training exercise.
The British authorities claim Mr Hill's fingerprints were found on packages sent from Ireland to the London-based judge and jury foreman in May and June 2008.

Mr Hill's lawyers, at an earlier hearing, requested that Judge Peart view the DVD, but the judge chose not to."
It's possibly worth noting that one of Muad'dib's followers has attempted to cadge 3,500 euros for Muad'dib's bail off the members of a UK 9/11 forum (a site I support in no sense of the word)
It's hard enough trying to increase awareness about the gaping holes in the official 7/7 narrative without having the difficulty of that task compounded by the apparently endless stream of bizarre characters who seem to go out of their way to reinforce the mainstream media's depiction of 'conspiracy theorists' as being nutty as squirrel shit with a boundless capacity to believe the most outrageous bollocks
And if I had 100,000 Euro in gold coins the last place I'd expect to keep hold of it is in the Land of the Little People
where's the frankincense and myrrh?
Interesting how some the 9/11 truthers like to promote the film and are antagonistic towards J7. A convenient set up.
Let's play Messiah in the middle!
"where's the frankincense and myrrh?"
No spice?
What kind of Fremen is this guy?
Two interesting links from mindhacks
phrenology and chip on a pill
well quite
reading through the comments on that UK 911 Truth forum I link to near the end of my post I'm left marveling that so many people with such poor judgment could be concentrated in one place
that, or it's a cunning plan by a group of MI5 keyboard monkeys to boost their overtime payments by spending weeks posting shit back and forth between each other
and anyway
if I were to base a religion on a sci-fi movie it'd be Starship Troopers over Dune any day
not only is Troopers a scathing satire of elitist, fascist society but it features way more scary insects and hot amazonian women getting their kit off in shower scenes
...and the third in the series predicts the dawn of a faith based eternal war
Starship Troopers 3! トイレはどこですか!!
In other news, Craig Murray continues his rampage across the Intertut...
Gordon Brown - What A Wanker
On the subject of keeping on fighting and winning and all that, more evidence that the tired old crap ain't washing, courtesy of the Shia Chat forum discussion of Psyops:
Psyops if all about disinformation tricks. Allow me to prove through one tangible example. Take this 7/7 example.
There is a man who has been allegedly arrested for making a 7/7 conspiracy theory DVD entitled the 7/7 Ripple Effect. Its available on his website:
Web LinkAccording to the above mentioned web site, donations to help him in his legal endevaours can be sent here:
c/o JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 2129,
Canvey Island,
SS8 9UF,
Now interestingly enough, this video claims Muslims were not responsible for 7/7 and in turn implicates the British Government. But this guy is the same guy who own this anti Islamic web site:
Web LinkAnd the contact address for this website?
JAH, JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 2129,
Canvey Island, SS8 9UF,
England, U.K.
If one does an internic "who is" search on these 2 sites, chances are they are also hosted by the same service with identitical ip addresses. Wow! how did this happen? Its called disinformation AKA Psyops.
Well these guys exposed the truth:
I loved Starship Troopers. I came away more with an impression that it was a biting satire on the settler mentality and the ethical summersaults that are required to justify its tenuous mythology. Just replace those giant insects with Red Indians/Palestinians and it stops being sci-fi immediately.
Well said Craig.
there's a cracking quote at the end of that shia discussion...
reminds me a lot of the david icke "reptilian" thing. he spent 20 years studying the 13 bloodlines, their actions, their influences, their movements, their business transactions, built up a tangible, primary source based map of everything, painstakingly, but ever so detailed, a complete account of their history of influence in the world
...and then said that they were giant alien shape shifting lizard people from outer space.
Personally I don't give a monkeys about Mr. Hills personal and ridiculous claims to be the Messiah. Neither do I care about Shayler or Ickes or anyone else’s.
Neither do I care if people try and raise money to try and free a man who has become bizarely hounded by British law, apparently for simply trying to pass information (which clearly Hill believes to be true) to a Judge.
Aren't Judges supposed to see evidence and assess it? Surely nobody believes a judge would under normal circumstances come across or consider with any seriousness anything with a hint of loonitis about it. I admire Hills effort. Well done. It seems like the Judge perceived the DVD to be akin to some ultratoxic biowarfare agent which would instantly kill the judge's ability to think for himself by watching it and then perhaps throwing it in the bin afterwards.
I can't believe people aren’t speaking out against what’s happening to Mr. Hill. First they came for the documentary makers...
So Mr Hill doesn't trust banks and keeps his retirement money in gold bullion. Great. I aspire to that too. He's obviously learned the lesson many of us haven't yet in regard to the Argentina experience. Well done again Mr Hill, but again I don't see with what this has to do with what he says in ripple effect?
And if Hill's claims in RE are wrong point them out then godspeed to RE 2.
I agree the Messiah bit is crap. So is the adoption of a fictional movie character as a moniker. V. irritating, But if someone didn't support 9-11 or J7 truth because of the personal (and frankly stupid) beliefs of one person, then perhaps that's not such a bad thing after all?
Re: sending DVD to grieving relatives - If he asked them before hand if they would be interested to hear his analysis of it, then I don't see what the problem is. he didn't and that was damn insensitive but in a way I can understand Hill's 'rush' to spread the truth as he sees it.
There is no compulsion to believe every part of RE and I don't think Hill made a claim that everything he said in the video was factual (rather than possible)
Talking to the BBC (and ultimately not doing anything with them) is no big deal, but of course totally avoiding the scummy BBC in the first place was always the best option and J7's published article on it was superb. And these suspicions of Hill being a 'friend of BBC' should be laid to rest now that he's facing the British Inquision. Jailed for life for sending a DVD.
J7, good as they are, arn't regulators of independent 7-7 investigation. More investigations please - especially those which emphasise the Israyhelli element (an aspect of 9-11 and 7-7 which has been kept too quiet).
You know when you've been Lavonised.
P.S. what definition of H.D. are you employing in regard to Kollestrom?
Anonymous 14 April 2009 03:30
How is RE antagonistic to J7? And if you have an answer to that, surely you don't think it's intentional?
Now I find Ant's comment carries some weight. Thanks.
It wouldn't surprise me however if counter-psyops were in place to discredit Hill (100% success at that in his own personal life aside). Any ADL goon can make up a website. (OBL jihad messages and terror forums QED.)
Can't Hill dislike Muslims (if that is indeed the case) and still not agree to them being illegitimately fingered?
While that forum isn't exactly great, it is a lot better than one I used to be a member of. Full of "right-wing" state arse-lickers who'd accept pretty much any measures imposed on them; worship the police force\military\NHS like demigods; and generally paint anyone who doesn't accept the govt narratives on London\NY bombings as insane, paranoid and "fitting the evidence around their view" (or accuse them of sending death threats to professors).
Ant, how is the site anti-Muslim? What i've just seen of it contains stuff similar to what some Christians may say.
I'm surprised you know so little about JAH, he's been around since the Phil Jayhan days on letsroll.org and it's worth noting Jayhan is one of those End-time Christians too. Arsehole Tony 'Jesus will return' Gosling goes back to the Letsroll days too. These are old skool conspiracy guys in their 50s who bought to much into the US rightwing identikit movement during the 90s, the same group who Alex Jones has worked for over this last decade. JAH's links to Jayhan are seen in the title of his film, 7/7 Ripple Effect, as Jayhan's attempt at making LooseChange was called 9/11 Ripple Effect. (It spends a ridiculous amount of time analysing pods and missiles on GCI aeroplanes! Coincidentally Gosling has banned most no-planers from his 911forum, the rest have better things to do than feed shills.) JAH is still a planehugger, coincidentally, "How did the gashes appear", his recent logic expelled. JAH and his disciple, Danny, were prolific bloggers in the hours and days after 7/7. Danny provided the most cutting edge research about Richard Jones on libertyforum.org, long before anyone else. It's not fare to say they are JohnnyComeLately's but these jehova truthers are creepy.
are we talking about the same film here?
7/7 RE absolutely does mix verifiable information with bullshit
and I only care about JAH's personality, or should I say persona, only as far as it impinges on other people
so let's be clear here
- He sent a unsolicited speculative video to relatives of people murdered on 7/7
- He broke the law by attempting to interfere with due legal process by sending material to a jury foreman.
How he found the foreman's address is currently a mystery
The law in question about interfering with juries is long-established and sensible. If he had, as he should have done, restricted himself to sending his DVD to the trial defense team he could not have been arrested
He also actively tried involve to other people in his harassment of the bereaved and law breaking
as for the lines
And these suspicions of Hill being a 'friend of BBC' should be laid to rest now that he's facing the British Inquision. Jailed for life for sending a DVD.you're all over the place with that.
He hasn't been jailed for life.
He hasn't been arrested simply for sending a DVD
and getting locked up for being prat, as well as claiming to be Jesus, is an absolutely perfect result for the BBC
And who ever claimed, or inferred that J7T are the regulators of independent 7-7 investigation?
They're not
But they're perfectly entitled to put as much distance as possible between themselves and people like JAH, because there are bastards out there waiting to pounce on the slightest hint of any association between J7T and mentalists
I don't 'do' the Jewish holocaust
aside from putting the word Jewish in front and dropping the capital H
And I'm not going to say very much more here
Aside from the fact that I've seen a piece written by Kollestrom where he talks about the swimming pools in Auschwitz as if that's some kind of proof of how relatively benign it was there
Stef, what do you think of the teaching unions here requesting a 10% pay rise?
...I do, however, know of a UK Internet 9/11 - 7/7 Truth site site where harassing victims' families, claiming to be Jesus, saying how cuddly the Nazis were and kissing BBC arse goes down a storm
I linked to it earlier
I also know that, given the choice between that site and J7T, which link I'd paste when trying to win people over to my point of view about 7/7
"Stef, what do you think of the teaching unions here requesting a 10% pay rise?"
as someone who's planning to become a teacher shortly I think that's an excellent idea
in fact, I think everyone should demand pay rises at least equal to the %age increase in money supply that's being used to make the obscenely rich nominally even richer
"I'm surprised you know so little about JAH, he's been around since the Phil Jayhan days on letsroll.org and it's worth noting Jayhan is one of those End-time Christians too."
I don't claim total knowledge about all things Loon
I've been very choosy about the 7/7 and 9/11 material I've consumed over the years and the only 7/7 or 9/11 board I've ever actively contributed to is the J7T site
So I'm more than happy to defer to someone more experienced than me
As for JAH being an active contributor to 7/7 research all I can say is that 77 RE was the first I'd seen from him on that subject - and a couple of of J7Ters I asked yesterday said the same
...actually, I take it back, I do recall a JAH character in 9/11 Internetland a few years back
but I hadn't made the JAH = Muad'dib connection until only recently
I just assumed that the original 9/11 JAH was yet another white man with a God complex
This playing with names/ initials thing is fun. I, for instance, can pull the words 'Nazi Cunt' out of my name but have a really tricky pile of letters left over
I'd come across Hill's 'investigations' about the Ark of the Covenant, a few years back. His work involved altering a TV documentary on the subject as follows, by adding his own extra voiceover. From memory it went something like:
Narrator: "Was the Ark transported to Ethiopia, thousands of years ago?"
Hill: "No."
There followed a complete lack of supporting evidence.
Naturally, when Ripple Effect was being touted around I was intrigued that such a character should get involved in 7/7 Truthiness (with equally credible results). I did some reading through his site(s) again and it dawned on me that he was claiming to be the returned Messiah in a BritishIsrael stylee.
I make no apology for alerting the J7 board to the man's pretentions. In a novel twist to this performance of the Passion play, the thirty pieces of silver seem to have been burned DVDs sent by the star of the show.
The BBC know exactly what they're doing when they court the likes of Hill.
I'm sorry to say that I predicted his incarceration for precisely these sort of actions. That's not the same as saying I wanted him locked up. I was merely pointing out the likely consequences of being so publicly stupid.
see also Graham Hancock's Ethiopian Ark documentary...
Hancock: Do you have the Ark of the Covenant
Ethiopian Priest: Yes
Hancock: Can I see it?
Ethiopian Priest: No
as someone who's planning to become a teacher shortly I think that's an excellent idea
in fact, I think everyone should demand pay rises at least equal to the %age increase in money supply that's being used to make the obscenely rich nominally even richerToo bad all I get in response is "difficult climate" and "recession" when raising the idea. Its classic Pavlovian conditioning. Ah well, maybe when these morons lose their jobs they'll wake up...
NoWell in both cases, they would say that wouldn't they? Relying on special knowledge not known to the heathen.
They're not going to show it to just any whiteman with a Supreme Architect complex who turns up asking questions.
Anyone know if Hill was ever in the services? Why's he obsessed with Gibraltar?
"Anonymous 14 April 2009 03:30
How is RE antagonistic to J7? And if you have an answer to that, surely you don't think it's intentional?
you're not quoting anon fairly
anon said
"Interesting how some the 9/11 truthers like to promote the film and are antagonistic towards J7."
and if you look at this thread on a 911 Truth UK board you'll see plenty of antagonism directed at J7T members by UK 9/11 Truthers
the reasons for which include
- the fact that, well I believe anyway, J7T is not a joke and 911forum.uk.org is
- the fact that J7T members have refused to join in with some of the good fashioned anti-semitism (as opposed to anti-zionism) that some 911 UK Truthers appear to enjoy
- the fact that J7T refuse to make up or endorse alternate 7/7 fairytales
- the fact that J7T have stuck their finger up at the BBC and not wet their knickers at the possibility of TV coverage at any price
and plenty more in the same vein
I haven't mentioned that some of the antagonist truthers might be professional MI5 keyboard monkeys infuriated at the fact that J7T hasn't associated itself with fairytales, Nazi apologists and people who claim to be Christ. That's a possibility but,sad to say, human nature is such that a lot of the berks behaving this way are probably doing so from the heart
To my knowledge, Muad'dib has never been antagonist to J7T, quite the opposite
but neither are double glazing salesmen
"Anyone know if Hill was ever in the services? Why's he obsessed with Gibraltar?"
Tax reasons?
... and on top of everything else, everyone knows that Leo Zagami is the One True Messiah
undoubtedly tax reasons
...and then said that they were giant alien shape shifting lizard people from outer space.Beautiful to see the deliberately and carefully laid out dead-ends being recognised for what they are, even if that isn't occurring among some of those you might think would already be a little ahead of the game.
J7, good as they are, arn't regulators of independent 7-7 investigation.You're reading Stef's blog here and, as such, it is Stef's thoughts and opinions you are addressing. Stef has seen fit to call 'bullshit' with regard to the Milkshake Messiah and his intelligence insulting efforts, as did J7. That's not J7 regulating anything, that's two parties calling a turd a turd. So what?
Your comments on the film and the man are surprising for all the reasons outlined by Stef, J7, and anyone else who manages to see the JAH spectacle for what it is. More of a surprise still in light of the fact that you would have to deftly avoid noticing the manner in which John Anthony Hill consistently refers to "The moslems" when talking about people who would more legitimately be referred to as "the accused" or "the suspects".
After all, it is the crime of which they are accused that is the reason for their vilification, not their religion, right?
If you fail to see the difference between the legitimate, dedicated investigation/research, and a carefully-crafted, dead-end, alternative narrative for which no verifiable evidence exists in the public domain -- Hill's pernicious fiction, often mistakenly labelled as a 'documentary' -- put forth by its very own self-proclaimed rightful king of Britain and Israel / messiah, then so be it.
If none of the criticisms of the film, the man, and his method of operation in the lead-up to a propaganda coup are enough to set alarm bells ringing for you, then so be it.
You might as well go the whole absence-of-evidence hog and say: "It was shapeshifting, reptilian, lizard-types from outer space wot dunnit."
The enemy of your enemy isn't necessarily your friend.
First off, I don't want to be pushed into a corner where as a result, some may think I'm some kinda disciple of Hill. I'm not. I apprecuate Hill seemed to have made a documentary to which I grrant him the benefit of the doubt that it was a sincere piece of work. And I don't preented his work is flawless.
@ Anon I've not researched JAH. To be honest I never been arsed too. Perhaps as a viewer of his video which addresses a very serious part of British life, then I should have. But I didn't.
Tony 'Jesus will return' Gosling is correct, but theology aside, I've no beef with Gosling and only really know of him from a PressTV program hosted with Yvonne Ridley. They guy seemed alright to me; your average loon out to tell the world of the conspiracy under their noses inorder to try and stop the corrosion of British domestic society as we know it.
I''ve no beef with Alex Jones either, and I quite admire his work. I've not heard of Jayhan. But I'm not really interested in the personalities, rather what it is that they are saying. If they talk political lobbox, it'll show well enough.
But I do understand and apprecite the the 'caution' stickers you've posted. As for 'no planes', to me that's synonamous with 'no brains'. No planes no brains.
@ stef.
are we talking about the same film here? well it seems like most of this post ins't about the film but a personal attack against another idiot who cliams to me the Messiah.
Personally I think it should be about the film and not the mans equivalent of 4.8 x 1 Kgsavings in gold.
- He sent a unsolicited speculative video to relatives of people murdered on 7/7
Bad and silly, but not related to his ananysis of 7-7
"- He broke the law by attempting to interfere with due legal process by sending material to a jury foreman."A Legal process that is dead in the water, unless you think Judges instructions to a jury to disallow verdicts of "unlawful killing" OK etc etc etc (which of course you don't). So I can well understand an attempts to try to inject some justice in there.
"The law in question about interfering with juries is long-established and sensible." In a healthy legal system, yes.
How he found the foreman's address is currently a mysteryGranted. That's is a concern. It does raise the possibility that he's got spook connections. A good point. I can't think of any 'casual' ways he could have got it.
Jailed for life is the possible sentence he faces (or so it was claimed in an article I read recently).
And who ever claimed, or inferred that J7T are the regulators of independent 7-7 investigation? - Noone, but the respect people have for J7T is likely to sway some minds against RE when J7T publishes a dim view of it. And that reportage is worthy.
As I indicated previously, If I thought a documentary I made about 7-7 was THE truth, my enthusism would see me even give a copy to the cat next door!
He also actively tried involve to other people in his harassment of the bereaved and law breaking He harassed them? If he tried to give a DVD on one occasion, I wouldn't call that harassment. If persisted however, then OK harassmen, but still unserstandable.
Commenting on my words 'Jailed for life for sending a DVD.' is a stand alone point and shouldn't have been quoted with the prefix "And these suspicions of Hill being a 'friend of BBC' should be laid to rest now that he's facing the British Inquision."
getting locked up for being prat" Being a prat isn't a criminal offence. Scotland Yards selective warnings to Netanyahu is.
But they're perfectly entitled to put as much distance as possible between themselves and people like JAH I agree.
"there are bastards out there waiting to pounce on the slightest hint of any association between J7T and mentalists" - I'd agree to that and the stupid claims of people who really ought to know better are unwelcome. It is strange that 3 messiash's are well known for addressing 7-7. One messiah in 2000 years, perhaps. 3 (anvey Islad, Leicerste/Isle of Wight and Middlesborough) in about 20 years is an eyebrow raising 'coincidence'
RE was also the first time I came across stupidly naned Mua'dib a.k.a. Mr Hill.
For some reason, I'm reminded of the illustrious globe-trotting career of George Kingthough he ministered from Santa Barbara rather than Gibraltar
we're still talking at cross purposes here
I entirely agree with J7T's analysis of 77 RE as posted in their rebuttalThat very much relates to JAH's 7/7 analysis and it stinks
And, for the record, at least one upset family member contacted J7T and asked them what they were playing at sending him a bullshit video out of the blue
The relevance of the gold and the man's claims to divinity/ royalty go straight to the heart of his behaviour towards relatives and the accused men whose trial he fucked about with without their permission
Based on his behaviour to date my working hypothesis is that he's a self-obsessed, self-publicising tosser who doesn't give a fuck about the lives he thoughtlessly interferes with as he pursues his own egoistic objectives
How's that for some fact-based investigative speculation?
and for the life of me I don't see how JAH getting locked up 'proves' that he's not a useful idiot from BBC's point of view
Let's stop mucking around on this subject
I, and others, am sceptical about the Official 7/7 Narrative because we're, um, sceptical kind of people
That's one kind of conspiraloon. The kind I sit most comfortably with
And we're just as likely to apply the same level of rigour and scepticism to unofficial as well as official narratives
I do not think, on this subject anyway, you are coming from the same place and you appear to be bending over backwards to give this guy and his insensitive and illegal behaviour the benefit of the doubt
I'm not
and I see absolutely no reason to just because he claims to have some of the same enemies as me
I respect that you have your reasons but my personal alarm bells ring whenever JAH and his film come up and I have tried to spell out the reasons why
and, just to be clear, as Ant says I do not pretend to speak for J7T. J7T is collaborative effort and has its own blog and website
"If none of the criticisms of the film, the man, and his method of operation in the lead-up to a propaganda coup are enough to set alarm bells ringing for you, then so be it."
There's a 7/7-related (sic.) trial verdict due and the much-delayed BBC Conspiracy Files program on 7/7 is likely to appear real soon now
For the record, this post and some of the other related chatter I've been putting about this last day or so is partly a pre-emptive move to get on a few search engines if and when some of the usual strokes are pulled
I, as I'm sure do the folks at J7T, stand by what we say and do.
I think our track record is pretty reasonable so far
but I would, wouldn't I
@ stef.
I'm not asking for you to 'do' the holocaust thing, you're being too sensitive. But it was you who called NK a holocaust denier. When I hear that accusation, the people that appear in my head certainly arn't the people who usually frequent here. I don't think NK is a holocaust denier. If he questions or even doesn't accept a few official narratives about it then fine. I think NK is an arse if he thinks the slave labour in the camps had access to the pools. There, holocaust issue done.
I'd agree J7T is at the forefront of doing what the government should be doing, But I welcome other investigations that put more focus on the things that others don't.
@ Tom. If Hill is a plant, he's a pretty good one and will prove so if he gets sent to jail. Plant issue aside, I'd agree the BBC sure know how to pick 'em.
@ Stef Re: Ark. The Ethiopian verbal efficiency thing happened with around the world in Dan Cruickshank's around the World in 80 treasures 80 treasures.
J7T again: I don't really go to 9-11 boards, it's rare for me even to go to the J7T forums. I took a dislike to the engine when it was first established. That is slowly waining.
In fighting in the 'truth' movement is pretty damn depressing and I've commented on it a number of times before. Some flack will be from plants but others from ego. Truthers do have enlarged egos. Another reason why I don't really tread there. There be dragons.
I'm fairly thorny I admit. My diplomacy skills are poor. But it seems that there's been too much tongue biting and it's contributed to the pitiful position of where we are today. I hope
I'm not kidding myself in thinking I can listen to contrary points and accept them if the argument is there, but I don’t think I’ve seen good arguments against RE.
@ Ant. "that's two parties calling a turd a turd. So what?" Fair enough. Stef's blog, Stef's opinions. I didn't manage to get my point about how J7T can influence general loon opinion well. I'm not sure if I could express it correctly. But it's not an act of disrespect to J7T. Crikey no!
Re: "The moslems" - In the scan of his site I didn't pick up on that. Thanks for pointing it out, but it could be stupidity - after all, it's probably quite tough being a messiah. Then again it could be mindgames.
"the crime of which they are accused that is the reason for their vilification, not their religion, right?" Yes.
Re: So be it bits...
If I did read criticism of the content of the film in the past, then I've forgotten it, but that surprises me due to me being in agreement with bits of what was said. To read stuff countering that should would have been a point of interest to me. Perhaps I should have looked harder.
I have come to respect J7T, the author of this blog, You and posters who make up StefZ's and your blogosphere, and your warning signs you have posted about RE do register. To think that there would be NO attempt to sabotage a strong active and intelligent group of people (J7T) from uncovering the stones, by way of Messiah's, useful idiots and fake documentaries etc. is not a reasonable stance to take.
I am perhaps latching on to RE because it has more of an "Israyhell dunnit" element to it than in other bodies of work. That's perhaps my Achilles heel.
I'll watch it again with a more critical eye. Prejudice is blinding. It's also human. I know that.
I need some kip.
"I'm not asking for you to 'do' the holocaust thing, you're being too sensitive ... I think NK is an arse if he thinks the slave labour in the camps had access to the pools."
Three guess why I'm that sensitive and, yes, NK goes the whole hog
"The Ethiopian verbal efficiency thing happened with around the world in Dan Cruickshank's around the World in 80 treasures 80 treasures."
yes it did, but Dan was just performing an homage to Hancock's earlier pioneering work in Ark asking
I think we're on the same team
"I am perhaps latching on to RE because it has more of an "Israyhell dunnit" element to it than in other bodies of work. That's perhaps my Achilles heel."
If Muad'dib, or anyone, has got some verifiable evidence that Israel was responsible for 7/7 I haven't seen it yet
off the top of my head there's
1. The news story that an Israeli cabinet minister was warned not to travel that day
as if Benjamin Netanyahu is in the habit of traveling around London by tube
or doesn't have a more secure means of communication with his Shin Bet/ Mossad buddies
or only found out about a major operation his boys had planned 1/2hr before it was due to kick off
2. That Israeli controlled companies control the CCTV on London Underground
well, yes, but they don't control all the CCTV in London yet and none of the video taken on CCTV cameras they don't control has been released either
and why's controlling the CCTV so crucial to organising a patsy based false flag attack anyway?
and that's about it
everything else I can think of right now on the 7/7 Israeli front consists of speculative bullshit which may, dare I say it, be barking completely up the wrong tree
as a competing narrative it's even more poorly supported than the official one
and if I have contempt for the intellect of people who believe a shonky official narrative and accept it without criticism why should I not have the same level of contempt for the intellect of people who embrace a shonky alternative narrative in a similar way
do I embrace and promote a hypothesis that's going to get shot down in flames by the first serious serious challenge it meets?
why would I do that?
9/11 is a different matter altogether...
re: 7/7 RE a J7 researcher made this wise observation:
'The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.'Danny (one of Muad's Jedi/disciples/fremen)expressed the following view when asked why JAH made this film:
"Nobody but Muad'Dib, with the overwhelming support of the people/Fremen, can stop the enemy. Only by supporting him, removing and arresting Mrs. E. Battenberg and placing him upon his Rightful Throne can these evil people who serve her be defeated, arrested and punished on his orders as King."
Danny has responded that the apartheid gold was 'being looked after for a friend'.
"Nobody but Muad'Dib, with the overwhelming support of the people/Fremen, can stop the enemy. Only by supporting him, removing and arresting Mrs. E. Battenberg and placing him upon his Rightful Throne can these evil people who serve her be defeated, arrested and punished on his orders as King."
You've got to admit, as a long-term counter terrorism strategy, it's up there with anything the government or metropolitan police have come up with
And if it was a straight choice between the existing monarchy and JAH I'd almost certainly vote for Lord dib
so, he might be onto something after all
"Mrs. E. Battenberg..."
tell me he's not taking the piss
as is Mrs. E. Battenberg, obviously
WTF is going on with line breaks in comments?
"Nobody but Muad'Dib, with the overwhelming support of the people/Fremen, can stop the enemy. Only by supporting him, removing and arresting Mrs. E. Battenberg and placing him upon his Rightful Throne can these evil people who serve her be defeated, arrested and punished on his orders as King."Substituting E.Battenberg for E.go hardly seems like much of a solution.
As for ideas about "these evil people" against whom Muad'Dib's crusade would be waged:
.... Therefore the moslems are calling God a liar, which is a satanic thing to do. Satan called God a liar in the Garden of Eden and God condemned Adam and Eve for believing Satan's lies. These satanic lies are now being continued by the moslems when they contradict God by saying that the True Bible no longer exists...The more things change, the more they stay the same.
"WTF is going on with line breaks in comments?"
Divine Retribution for following Satan's path?
hmmmm, Satan...
Damnation and hellfire, you're probably right.
and to think, all I have to do to avoid the fiery pit of Satan's furnace is embrace JAH as God
so simple
I'm going to have to go back to the Gospels and reread the bits where JAH preached about upsetting the relatives of murdered people the last time he was amongst us
Damnation and hellfire and missing line breaks
.... the unholy trinity.
(Otherwise known as the word verification: Hyphialia)
isn't great how some people identify all the bad things that happen with God's wrath
so that must mean bad things only happen to bad people
so that must mean bad things only happen to bad peopleOnly if he/she/it was infallible. If he/she/it existed. Both of which are as substantiated and watertight as the official 7/7 narrative and any and all of Muad'Dib's mad daubings.
A battery charger I received in the post post yesterday morning came out of the jiffy bag in pieces
that's probably down to me doubting the One True Messiah as well
I've told you before about using sledgehammers to open your post.
Sledgehammers are only to be used by the State (which holds the monopoly on violence) to helpfully open people's doors for them on a more permanent than usual basis.
At 5am in the morning.
Coincidentally, also the time when the traditional mere mortal human being is at its most vulnerable.
Stef like crunchy
Stef go away now
Blog go quiet :(
Brilliant stuff as ever! You're a canny man Stef, and your discourse is impeccable.
and lo, coincidentally enough, speaking of Mr Kollestrom...
Terror on the Tube (published April 2009).
It's set to be a busy time for 7/7 disinfo/ psyop aficionados
- Jesus 2.0 on trial for spamming juries with 7/7 DVDs...
- 'Dr' Nick's book is published...
- 7/7 'Helpers' Trial verdict 2.0 due any day now
- as is a limited and pixelated selection of 7/7 CCTV footage
It's more than a little likely that the BBC's much delayed 7/7 Conspiracy Files 'documentary' will now finally get an airing
I spoke to some people about the sugar story in the Sun and they seemed to believe what was in it. In other words, that all of us are potentially terrorist suspects.
when not cutting and pasting holocaust revisionist material or pissing in the pool of legitimate 7/7 research and scepticism I also like to write about crop circles.
surprisingly enough...
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