'The World's Greatest Newspaper'
and for those who prefer the less geopolitically demanding taste of Domestic Jigaboo to International Jigaboo, may I humbly recommend...

Someone asked in a comment on this blog a few days ago...
I didn't get round to answering at the time but the answer is 'yes, yes it is'
and for those who prefer the less geopolitically demanding taste of Domestic Jigaboo to International Jigaboo, may I humbly recommend...

Someone asked in a comment on this blog a few days ago...
I didn't get round to answering at the time but the answer is 'yes, yes it is'
Here is something else bizzare
I love Google Earth.It´s amazing.Type any address into the search bar and you will be taken in an instant to the rooftop!but fuck hey now you can knock at the front door!
I checked my Google Earth and you can wander the streets of the US and some parts of France already.Amazing really you zoom down to street level then click on a little camera and then you have street view like looking out the window of a car.
while I´m at it.
In this very recent interview with Bloomberg Jim Rogers says Asia is the future, the dollar is a terribly flawed currency and he doesn't want to own any, oil will certainly pass $200/barrel soon, and the (privately owned) Federal Reserve will disappear within the next decade.
anyone smell a war on the horizon?
those curfews might come in handy!
anyone smell a war on the horizon?
just one?
When the war starts, it is not the curfews that I am worried about.
The internment of bloggers and other dissenting voices will curtail my social life somewhat.
With regard to the curfew story, this is perhaps more apt than it was.
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