Friday, February 25, 2005

The very lovely John Prescott

This one's been doing the rounds for a few days now ...
If you do a Google search for 'f*ckwit' the first result takes you to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's biography on the official Number Ten web site.
and there was me moaning the other day about how rubbish Google had become lately and how you now had to plough through to the fourth or fifth page of results before finding what you were looking for.
Google I have wronged thee.
Now the question that is niggling me is 'How?'. Given that the link is directly to the Number 10 site, surely that means Prescott's official biography actually has the term 'f*ckwit' hidden in the html somewhere?
Now who says everything that comes out of Downing Street is a lie


Stef said...


Kudos to whoever figured out how to do this ...

Stef said...

... OK understand Google Bombing now - off to do some hot-linking

Tim Worstall said...

Who figured it out? Or rather who started this one? That would be , err, me.

Stef said...

I doff my cap to you Sir

In one stroke you've justified the invention of the Internet, the micro-processor, speach and writing.

Yes. it was all worth it, just for that single achievement alone.

(PS thanks for the link the other day - not sure what people clicking on it will make of all this though)